Short Courses

Narendra Raval (Guru) Entrepreneurship & Social Innovation Program

Program Overview

The Narendra Raval (Guru) Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation (ESI) Program is an Outcome-Based Entrepreneurship methodology which equip participants with the 21st century mindset, skills, frameworks, tools and process that help them transition from entrepreneurial intention to reality through a predictable Evidence-Based Innovation Process (EBIP).
This immersive, masterful and transformative 6-month program is a product of a decade of rigorous research and experiences, designed to take nascent entrepreneurs through an iterative systematic process to create their own businesses.
It offers a practical, hands-on insight and battle-test solution to the massive startups failures by freeing the imagination, shifting the perspective and providing a roadmap to create new frontiers of opportunity, growth and jobs.
Program Methodology
The program is based on three key components:

  • Opportunity-Based Mindset: This is the foundation of the program. It aims to inspire, build confidence and shift the entrepreneur’s perspective towards growing their businesses. Thereby, expanding the mental models and horizons. The participants are equipped to recognize the right opportunities. Also, it positions the ideas to move in the right direction.
  • Human-Centered Systematic Innovation Process: This builds and ignites the creativity and confidence to own and drive new demand and seize new growth.
  • New Market-Creating Comprehensive Tools and Practical Models: Based on real-world guidance, this aspect builds the creative competence in translating opportunity-based thinking into commercially compelling new offerings and growth.

Program Structure

  • 5 weeks –Immersive Material Delivery.
  • 5 –Month Mentorship/Advisory Services/Attachments
  • 5 – Month Continuous Development Workshop (CDW) culminating with Business Model Competition-Pitching the innovative idea for funding.

Take Away

  • Learn about innovation approaches and practices, from industry leaders and practitioners, see innovation in action and engage a tested framework.
  • Enjoy first-hand experience of some of the world’s most innovative companies, their business models, products and technologies to see innovation in action.
  • Fully absorb the challenges of innovation by creating a working prototype while working collaboratively in a small team.
  • Watch your influence grow as you network with like-minded people.
  • Get the knowledge and the tools to develop and implement new business models.
  • Explore the most effective innovation models that underpin successful innovative practices.
  • Walk away with an Entrepreneurship and Social Business Model Innovation Handbook to equip you for the next challenge.
  • Awarded a Certificate of Achievement for successfully completing the course and creating your first Business Model move.


Fresh graduates from both public and private universities in Kenya.

Cohort one: July 6 - August 3, 2018