Security Contacts

USIU-Africa 24-HOUR Security Hotline: 0730 116 266 0R 0730 116 461

Kasarani Police Station: 020-803366 0R 0721338999

Police Control Room: 20-2724154 OR 20-2724201

Security Management:

USIU-Africa has adopted a hybrid type of security management style.i.e. both internal(USIU-Africa employees) and contracted security team.

Security Team Hierarchy:

Manager - Security

Mr. Peter Omusula

  • Office Location: Science Center

  • Cell: 0720320935 or 0730737637/439

Senior Security Officer

Mr. Edwin Wachie

  • Office Location: Library Basement

  • Direct Line: +254 730 116 320

Contracted security team

There is a security patrol vehicle keeping round-the-clock vigil, patrolling USIU-Africa and its environs. There is also a police patrol unit from the Kasarani Police Station.