Annual Fun Run registration 2016

The second edition of the USIU-Africa Annual Fun Run will be held on Saturday 9 July from 7:30 am starting at the athletics track. The event is part of several fundraising initiatives of the Fundraising and External Relations Office, aimed at contributing to the financial aid fund within the university.
Indeed two of last year’s nine Fun Run beneficiaries are members of the Class of 2016 – Mr. Tyson Nzaka (IBA) and Ms. Anne Wabuke (International Relations), testifying to the long-term impact the Fun Run has already began to have.
Entries are welcome from members of the public and the campus community, with participants having a choice between walking or running in either the six or the twelve kilometer course.
Individual entries will each be registered for KES 1, 000 while groups (family of four, group of ten or team of twenty) can submit entries at KES3, 000, KES8,000 and KES15,000 respectively.A ten percent discount will also be applicable to all entries received on or before Wednesday, 22 June, 2016.
On a related note, the Fun Run secretariat has issued a call for volunteers to assist in the organization of the Fun Run. Interested persons can get in touch by emailing the secretariat on
Click here for information and registration for the Fun Run