USIU-Africa at glance

USIU-Africa will now host all its Policies and Sop’s (Standard Operating Procedure) on the intranet. The address is Webapp and users will be able to access the polices by navigating to Organization policies. They will be required to log in using their USIU-Africa credentials before they can read or download these documents.

Each Division will be managing their respective policies through an administrator. Administrators will be able to pull reports showing how many people have been able to read the policies/sops.

The ICT Division has also developed a Business Intelligence platform that aids in Data driven decision making for Senior Managers. The platform gets data from different systems among them the ERP and the LanSupport System.

Here is one of the visualizations from the platform that shows the number of students, (International or Kenyan, Gender and Majors) for Fall semester 2021. (Click on the image to enlarge)

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