Dr. Okello is a PhD-level trained Statistician with over 12 years professional experience in statistical modeling and advisory support, research, monitoring and evaluation, teaching and other project consultancies.
Dr. Okello is an Assistant Professor of Statistics in the School of Science and Technology, and has strong data management, analytical, statistical modeling, training, presentation, writing skills, leadership and supervision skills and believes in respect for diversity. He is passionate for the application of statistical modeling techniques in various fields.
Dr. Okello has an in-depth, comprehensive, and evolving knowledge of statistical and mathematical analysis techniques integrated with computer applications. He is also an expert in using various data analysis tools such as R, STATA, SPSS, Epi Info and MS Excel in analyzing medium-to-large data sets.
Dr. Okello has published and peer-reviewed articles in peer reviewed journals and has undertaken various consultancies in research design and implementation together with numerous analytical/ statistical consultancies. He has also supervised Masters and PhD students. He is a member of USIU-Africa Institutional Review Board (IRB), International Biometry Society (Kenya), International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB) and American Evaluation Association (AES).
Areas of interest/specialization:
Biostatistics, Statistics, Statistical Modelling and Simulations, Data Science, Predictive Analytics, Disease Modelling, Statistical Advisory Support and Statistical Consultancies involving Statistical Modeling, Computation and Analysis.
Academic Degrees;
- 2016: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Biostatistics, Moi University
- 2018: Masters of Science in Management and Organizational Development, United States International University - Africa
- 2013: Master of Science in Research Methods, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
- 2012: Master of Science Biometry (Biostatistics), University of Nairobi
- 2007: B Ed. Sc (Double Mathematics), Egerton University
Journal Articles;
- Kawiti, MK, Okello, G. Internal Appraisal and Performance of National Non-Governmental Organizations in the Health Sector in Kenya. The University Journal. 2022, 4 (2)
- Ngeche J, Okello, G. Influence of Social Capital Integration Capabilities on Sustainable Competitive Advantage among Private Hospitals in Kenya. Kabarak Journal of Research & Innovation, 2022
- Ogwel B, Odhiambo-Otieno G, Otieno G, Abila J, Omore R. Leveraging cloud computing for improved health service delivery: Findings from public health facilities in Kisumu County, Western Kenya – 2019. Learn Health Sys. 2021;e10276, 1 -10.
- Ogwel B, Otieno G, Odhiambo-Otieno GO. Cloud Computing Adoption by Public Hospitals in Kenya: A Technological, Organisational and Behavioural Perspective. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 2020,
- Ndiege JRA, Otieno G, Wamuyu PK. Cyberbullying in Universities in Developing Countries: The Kenyan perspective. The African Journal of Information Systems 2020, 12(1) 2
- Ndiege JR, Otieno G. Towards Information Security Savvy Students in Institutions of Higher Learning in Africa: A Case of a University in Kenya. In the IST-Africa 2018 Conference Proceedings
- Ndiege JR, Otieno G. Information security awareness amongst students joining higher academic institutions in developing countries: Evidence from Kenya, The African Journal of Information Systems 2018, 10 (3)
- Otieno G, Koske JK, Mutiso JM. Transmission Dynamics and Optimal Control of Malaria in Kenya. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2016
- Otieno G, Koske JK, Mutiso JM. Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Optimal Malaria Control Strategies in Kenya. Mathematics 2016, 4(1), 14 ; doi:10.3390/math4010014
- Otieno G, Koske J, Njoroge G, Kinyua M. Optimizing Intervention Mix for Malaria. In proceedings of 10th Annual International Conference, Moi University, 27th September 2014
- Zurovac D, Memusi D, Kigen S, Machini B, Muturi A, Otieno G, Snow RW, Githinji S, Nyandigisi A. Major improvements in the quality of malaria case-management under the “test and treat” policy in Kenya. PLoS ONE 2014, 9(3): e92782. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092782
- Otieno G, Githinji S, Jones C, Snow RW, Talisuna A, Zurovac D. The feasibility, patterns of use and acceptability of using mobile phone text-messaging to improve treatment adherence and post-treatment review of children with uncomplicated malaria in western Kenya. Malaria Journal 2014, 13:14. doi:10.1186/1475-2875-13-44
- Otieno G, Waititu AG, Salifu D. Generalized Estimating Equations for Repeated Measures Logistic Regression in Mosquito Dose-Response. Open Journal of Statistics 2013, 3:293-298.
- Zurovac D, Otieno G, Kigen S, Mbithi A, Muturi A, Snow R, Nyandigisi A. Ownership and use of mobile phones among health workers, caregivers of sick children and adult patients in Kenya: cross-sectional national survey. Globalization and Health 2013, 9:20 doi:10.1186/1744-8603-9-20.
- Machini B, Kigen S, Memusi D, Mbithi A, Kimbui R, Muturi A, Agwa N, Otieno G, Githinji S, Zurovac D, Nyandigisi A. Monitoring outpatient malaria case management under the 2010 diagnostic and treatment policy in Kenya- brief progress report. Division of Malaria Control, Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, February 2013
- Introduction to Statistical Computing
- Introduction to Applied Statistics
- Business Statistics
- Advanced Statistical Techniques
- Biostastcs
- Business Mathematics and Statistics
- Organizational Development Research Statistics