Dr. Jonnalagadda, Venkateswara Rao

Professor, Algebra
jvrao@usiu.ac.ke    |     +254 730 116 707


Dr. Venkateswara Rao Jonnalagadda is a Professor of Mathematics at United States International University – Africa, Nairobi, Kenya. His academic career spanning is more than 29 years in teaching and research as well. He has worked as Professor at Mekelle University, Ethiopia, (East Africa) from 2009 to 2019. Prior to that, he worked as a Professor in India for 2 years. He was awarded “Best Educationist” by IIEM (International Institute of Education and Management), New Delhi, India on 15-Feb-2017.

He has published 99 research papers in various National and International Journals and Conferences as well. So far he has successfully produced 10 PhD’s and 6 MPhil’s. During his 27 years of teaching experience, Prof. Rao, rendered his services in various positions (in reverse chronological order: starting from latest to old) like Professor, Professor & Principal, Reader & Head, Lecturer and Teaching Assistant. He was appointed as editorial board member and reviewer for various International Journals. He evaluated several PhD theses from various Indian Universities as an external examiner.

Academic Degrees:

  • 2001: PhD in (Mathematics, Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh, India.
  • 1992: Master of Philosophy in Mathematics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, India.
  • 1991: Master of Science in Mathematics, Andhra University, Andhra Pradesh, India.
  • 1988: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Journals and Journal Articles

  1. Jonnalagadda Venkateswara Rao, T. Nageswara Rao, S.R. Ravi Kumar Emani, M.N. Srinivas, B.J.Balamurugan: Analysis on Properties of Vector Spaces over Pre A*- algebras, Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science,11 (2021), No. 3, 2768-2779 (https://doi.org/10.28919/jmcs/5202 ISSN: 1927-5307).
  2. Emani Sri Rama Ravi Kumar, MutyalaVenkateswaraRao, JonnalagaddaVenkateswaraRao, and T. NageswaraRao: Characterization of Foremost Ideal of a ConventionalSemilattice with Fuzzy Relations, Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal 9 (2020), no.6, pp3653–3662, ISSN: 1857-8365 (printed); 1857-8438 (electronic), https://doi.org/10.37418/amsj.9.6.43
  3. Abdul Muneera, Dr.T. NageswaraRao, Dr.J. VenkateswaraRao, Dr.R.V.N. SrinivasaRao: Domination in regular and irregular bipolar fuzzy graphs, Journal of Critical Reviews, Vol.7, Issue, 11, 2020, ISSN-2394-5125, pp793-796.
  4. JonnalagaddaVenkateswaraRao, T. NageswaraRao, V.N SrinivasaRaoRepalle, T. S. Rao: Algebraic and Topological Aspects in Pre A*-algebra, Journal of Critical Reviews, Vol.7, Issue, 6, 2020, ISSN-2394-5125, pp914-916.
  5. Kalyani. D, VenkateswaraRao. J, Vijaya Kumar. B, Decomposition of Pre A*-algebra with Jx: Journal of Critical Reviews, Vol.7, Issue, 5, 2020, ISSN-2394-5125, pp933-935.
  6. Kalyani. D, Rami Reddy. B, Venkateswara Rao. J, Vijaya Kumar. B, Decomposition of Pre A*-algebra with Mx: Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal, Vol. 7, Spl Issue, (April 2018), ISSN 2278-8697, pp 88-92, (SE I.Factor 2.73).
  7. Kalyani. D, Rami Reddy. B, Venkateswara Rao. J, Satyanarayana. A, Ideal Congruences on Pre A*-algebra: Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal, Vol. 7, Spl Issue, (April 2018), ISSN 2278-8697, pp 112-116, (SE I.Factor 2.73).
  8. Habtu Alemayehu, J.Venkateswara Rao and A. Satyanarayana: Explicit Pre A*-algebra, Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science, Volume 10(1):76-88, 2018. (ISSN: 2220-184X)
  9. Habtu Alemayehu, Yohannes Yirga Kefela, A. Satyanarayana and J.Venkateswara Rao: Hull-Kernel Topology of a Pre A*- Algebra, Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal (Vol 7 (1) 2018) ISSN: 2278-8697, pp 91-97, (SE I.Factor 2.73).
  10. A V S N Murty, M. N. Srinivas, V. Madhusudanan and J. Venkateswara Rao: Steadiness of organisms with commensalism using non-linear feedback control, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Vol. 6 Issue 8 Decembert2017, (pp 280-284) ISSN: 2320-0294 Impact Factor: 6.765
  11. Sri Rama Ravi Kumar.E, Sri Sivaji.V and Venkateswara Rao.J: A Join Irreducible Element and Splitting Element in Distributive Semilattice with Refinement Property, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (ISSN 0973-1768) Vol 13 No 4 (2017), pp 100-104.
  12. D. Kalyani, B. Rami Reddy, J.Venkateswara Rao and P.Nirmala Kumari, Lattice Construction on Pre A* -Algebra, Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal (Vol 6 (2) 2017) ISSN: 2278-8697, pp 170-177, (SE I.Factor 2.03).
  13. A V S N Murty, M. N. Srinivas, D.R.V.S.R.K. Sastry and J. Venkateswara Rao, Spatiotemporal, Stochastic Dynamics and Bionomic Analysis of an Ecological System with Harvesting, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Vol 8 (8), August 2017, pp. 926–936, ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed
  14. Sri Rama Ravi Kumar.E, Venkateswara Rao.J and Sri Sivaji.V: Interpretation of Simple and Distributive Ideals Of l-nearSemilattice, International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET) (ISSN: 2278- 621X), Vol 7 issue 2 July 2016 (pp 313-317). (http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.72.549).
  15. J. Venkateswara Rao, Tesfamariam Tadesse and Habtu Alemayehu: Properties of Pre A*-Functions, Gazi University Journal of Science (Guj Sci 2147-1762), 28(2):239-244 (2015).
  16. E.S. Rama Ravi Kumar, J. Venkateswara Rao: Characterization of Congruence Kernel Ideals in Sectionally Pseudo Complemented Semilattices, Gazi University Journal of Science (Guj Sci 2147-1762), 27 (4): 1039-1043(2014)
  17. N. Koteswaramma and J. Venkateswara Rao: Factor Ternary Semimodules, International Journal of Modern Sciences and Engineering Technology ISSN 2349-3755; https://www.ijmset.com Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, pp.13- 29.
  18. N. Koteswaramma and J. Venkateswara Rao: Factor Ternary Semirings: International Journal of Modern Sciences and Engineering Technology ISSN 2349-3755; https://www.ijmset.com Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, pp.115-124.
  19. V.B.V.N.Prasad and J.Venkateswara Rao: Cones in Lattice ordered Loops, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Applications Research, ISSN(P): 2249-6955; ISSN(E): 2249-8060, Vol. 4, Issue 4, Aug 2014, 67- 74 (Impact Factor: 4.2949, Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0).
  20. V.BV.N. Prasad, J.Venkateswara Rao, “Categorization of Normal Sub loops and Ideal of Loops”, Asian Research Publishing Network Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, (ARPN JEAS), Volume 9, number 7, July, 2014, pp.1076 - 1079 (ISSN 1819-6608), www.arpnjournals.com, Journal Impact Factor 2012: 0.4621.
  21. Awol Assen and J. Venkateswara Rao: A Study on the Computation of the Determinants of a 3x3 Matrix, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (ISSN (Online): 2319-7064) (IFactor (2012): 3.358) Volume 3 Issue 6, (June 2014)pp 912-921.
  22. J. Venkateswara Rao, Tesfamariam Tadesse and Habtu Alemayehu Atsbaha: A Comprehensive study of Pre A*-functions, Punjab University Journal of Mathematics (ISSN 1016-2526), Vol. 46(1) (2014) pp. 66- 74
  23. V.B.V.N. Prasad and J.Venkateswara Rao: Characteristics of the atoms in lattice ordered loops, International Journal of Modern Sciences and Engineering Technology (IJMSET) Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, pp.16-22.
  24. D. Kalyani, B. Rami Reddy, J.Venkateswara Rao and A. Satyanarayana: Representation of Pre A* - Algebra by a Partially Order, International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research (IJSIMR),Vol. 1, Issue 3, December - 2013, PP 200-210, ISSN 2347-307X (Print) & ISSN 2347-3142 (Online). www.arcjournals.org
  25. D. Kalyani, B. Rami Reddy, J.Venkateswara Rao and A. Satyanarayana: Characterization of a Partial Order Relation on Pre-A*-algebra, International Journal of Mathematical Archive-4(11), 2013, 287-296, www.ijma.info, ISSN 2229 – 5046
  26. N. Koteswaramma and J. Venkateswara Rao: Prime Spectrum of a Ternary Semiring, International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research (IJSIMR), Volume 1, Issue 2, October - 2013, PP 170-177 ISSN 2347-307X (Print) & ISSN 2347-3142 (Online)
  27. V.B.V.N. Prasad and J. Venkateswara Rao, Charecterization of Quasigroups and Loops, International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research, 1(2), October - 2013, PP 95-102, ISSN 2347-307X (Print) & ISSN 2347-3142 (Online), www.arcjournals.org (Impact Factor: 3.97).
  28. V.B.V.N. Prasad and J. Venkateswara Rao, Classification of Partial Ordered Loops and Lattice Ordered Loops, International Journal of Mathematical Archive, 4(10), 78-84(2013) (ISSN, 2229-5046) (www.ijma.info) (Impact Factor: 4.091), Index Copernicus Value: 5.09.
  29. S. Rao, V. Rao, and A. Kumar, Classification of Algebraic Properties of Chromatic Polynomials, Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN: 2070-0237 (Print); 2070-0245 (Online), J. Sci. Res. 5 (3), 469-477 (2013).
  30. N. Koteswaramma and J. Venkateswara Rao: Bi-Ideals and Minimal Bi-Ideals in Ternary Semiring, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Applications Research ISSN 2249-6955, Vol.3, Issue 2Jun 2013, 161-168. (Impact Factor: 4.1736)
  31. D. Kalyani, B. Rami Reddy, J.Venkateswara Rao and A. Satyanarayana, 2013, Methods of generating Pre A*-Algebras, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Applications Research, ISSN2249-6955 Vol. 3, Issue 1, Mar 2013, 125-138 (Impact Factor: 4.1736).
  32. R.V.N. SrinivasaRao, J.V enkateswaraRao, and Haftamu Menker GebreYohannes, 2013, Extension of Chromatic Polynomials by Utilizing Mobius Inversion Theorem, Columbia International Publishing Contemporary Mathematics and Statistics (2013) 2: 54-70 doi:10.7726/cms.2013.1005.
  33. Satyanarayana, J.Venkateswara Rao, V. Ramabhadram and P. Nirmala Kumari, 2013, Partial Orders Fascinating on Pre A*-algebras, Asian Journal of Mathematics & Satistics, 6: 23-32. (ISSN 1994-5418) DOI: 10.3923/ajms.2013.23.32 URL: http://scialert.net/abstract/?doi=ajms.2013.23.32.
  34. R.V.N. Srinivasa Rao and J.Venkateswara Rao, 2013, Contribution to 1-quasi-total Graphs. Asian Journal of Mathematics & Statistics, 6: 52-56. (ISSN 1994-5418) DOI: 10.3923/ajms.2013.52.56 URL: http://scialert.net/abstract/?doi=ajms.2013.52.56.
  35. D.V.S.R. Anil Kumar, T. Nageswara Rao and J. Venkateswara Rao, 2012, Characterization of Lattice Measurable Functions on Product Lattices, Asian Journal of Algebra, 5: 50-65. DOI: 10.3923/aja.2012.50.65 URL: http://scialert.net/abstract/?doi=aja.2012.50.65.
  36. J. Pramada, J. Venjkateswara Rao, D.V.S.R. Anil Kumar and V.S. Putcha, 2012. Characterizations of Lie Lattice Sigma Algebras in Formal and Conformal Systems. Asian Journal of Algebra, 5: 66-72.DOI: 10.3923/aja.2012.66.72 URL: http://scialert.net/abstract/?doi=aja.2012.66.72.
  37. R.V.N. Srinivasa Rao, J. Venkateswara Rao and T. Nageswara Rao: Structure of Chromatic Polynomials on Quasi-Total Graphs, International Journal of Mathematical Engineering and Science, (ISSN: 2277-6982), Vol 1, (Issue 9), Sept. 2012.( http://www.ijmes.com/ ; https://sites.google.com/site/ijmesjournal/).
  38. N. Koteswaramma and J. Venkateswara Rao: Quasi-Ideals and Minimal Quasi-Ideals in Ternary Semirings, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Applications Research ISSN 2249-6955, Vol.2, Issue 3 Sep 2012, 76-84. (Impact Factor: 2.0534)
  39. R.V.N. Srinivasa Rao, J. Venkateswara Rao, Charactrizations of 2-Quasi Total Colouring Graphs, International Journal of Mathematical Archive, 3(7), 2012. 2739-2744 (ISSN, 2229-5046) (www.ijma.info)
  40. R.V.N. Srinivasa Rao, Dr. J. Venkateswara Rao & DVSR Anil Kumar, Construction of Chromatic Polynomials on Total Graphs, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Applications, Research (IJMCAR) (ISSN 2249-6955), vol.2, Issue 3, Sept. 2012, pp 92-105. .(Impact Factor: 2.0534)
  41. R.V.N. Srinivasa Rao, Dr. J. Venkateswara Rao & D. Srinivasulu, A Discussion on Bounds for 1-Quasi Total Colourings, International Journal of Mathematical Archive, 3(6), 2314-2320(2012) (ISSN, 2229-5046) (www.ijma.info)
  42. A.Satyanarayana, J.Venkateswara Rao, Partial Ordering on C-algebra, International Journal of Computational Cognition, (http://www.yangsky.com/IJCC/), Vol. 10, No. 1, March 2012.
  43. D.V.S.R. Anilkumar, T. Nageswara Rao and J.V enkateswara Rao, Characterization of Lattice Sigma Algebras, International Journal of Mathematical Archive, 3(6), 2012, 2347-2353, (ISSN, 2229-5046) (www.ijma.info)
  44. D.V.S.R. Anilkumar, T. Nageswara Rao and J. Venkateswara Rao , Characerization of Lattice Sigma Algebras on Product Lattices, International Journal of Engineering Science (ISSN:2277-6982), 1(4) (May 2012), (https://www.ijmes.com/ https://sites.google.com/site/ijmesjournal)
  45. D.V.S.R. Anilkumar, J. Venkateswara Rao and T. Nageswara Rao, Characterization of class of Atoms in Lattice Sigma Algebras, International Journal of Mathematical Archive, 3(4), 2012, 1448-1454, (ISSN, 2229-5046) (www.ijma.info)
  46. D.V.S.R. Anilkumar, J. Venkateswara Rao, Putcha V.S. Anand and T. Nageswara Rao, Lebesgue Decomposition and its Uniqueness of a Signed Lattice Measure, Asian Journal of Algebra, 5: 34-43, (ISSN 1004-54X/ DOI:10.3923/aja.2012.34.43).
  47. A. Satyanarayana, J. Venkateswara Rao, U. Suryakumar and P. Nirmala Kumari, Boolean Centre of Pre-A*-Algebra, Asian Journal of Mathematics & Statistics, 5: 150-157, 2012. (ISSN 1994-5418 / DOI: 10.3923/ajms.2012.150.157).
  48. J. Pramada, J. Venkateswara Rao and D.V.S.R. Anilkumar, Characterization of Boolean Valued Star and Mega Lattice Functions, Asian Journal of Algebra, 5(1): 1-10, 2012 (ISSN 1994-540X / DOI: 10.3923/aja.2012.1.10).
  49. J.Pramada, J.Venkateswara Rao and D.V.S.R. Anilkumar, Characterization of Complex Integrable Lattice Functions and Mu- free lattices, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 5(1): 1-20, 2012 (ISSN 1994-5418 / DOI: 10.3923/ajms.2012.1.20)
  50. J.Pramada, J.Venkateswara Rao and D.V.S.R. Anilkumar, Characterization of Class of Positive Lattice Measurable sets and Positive Lattice Measurable Functions, Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(1): 43-51, 2012 (ISSN 1996-3343 /DOI:10.3923/ajaps.2012.43.51).
  51. Pramada, J; Rao, J. Venkateswara; Kumar, D.V.S.R. Anil, Characterization of Class of Super Lattice Measurable Sets, Journal of Applied Sciences, 11(20): 3525-3529, 2011 (ISSN 1812-5654 / DOI: 10.3923/jas.2011. 3525.3529).
  52. Gebreslassie Tesfy, Venketeswara Rao J*, Ataklti Araya and Daniel Tesfay, Boundary Value Problems and Approximate Solutions, Momona Ethiopian Journal of Sciences (ISSN: 2220-184X), Vol4(1): 102-114, 2012.
  53. D.V.S.R.Anilkumar, J.Venkateswara Rao, J. Pramada, Construction of Gamma-Lattice, International Journal of Applied Mathematics (ISSN: 0975 – 7937) Vol: 02, Issue: 02, Oct.’11 – Mar.’12, pp 314 – 323.
  54. A.Satyanarayana, J.Venkateswara Rao, V.Ramabrahmam: Congruence on PreA*-Algebra, International Journal of Applied Mathematics (ISSN: 0975 – 7937)Vol:02, Issue: 02,Oct.’11–Mar.’12, pp390– 404.
  55. J.Venkateswara Rao, R.V.N.Srinivasa Rao, A Unique approach on upper bounds for the Chromatic number of Total graphs, Asian Journal of Applied Sciences 5(4): 240-246, 2012 (ISSN 1996-3343 / DOI: 10.3923/ajaps.2012.240.246).
  56. J.Venkateswara Rao1, K.Srinivasa Rao, D. Kalyani, Congruence Relation and Ternary Operation on Pre A*-Algebra, International Journal of Applied Mathematics (ISSN: 0975 – 7937) Vol: 02, Issue: 03, (Apr'12-Sep'12 issue) pp 405-416.
  57. J.Venkateswara Rao, P.Koteswara Rao, Polynomials over A* - Algebras, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics (ISSN: 0129-2021), (2011) 35: 665–673.
  58. D.V.S.R.Anilkumar, J.Venkateswara Rao, J. Pramada, Lattice Boolean Valued Measurable Functions, International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, (ISSN 0973-1377-Print; 0973-7545-Online) Vol. 23; D11, (2011).
  59. A.Satyanarayana, J.Venkateswara Rao, Ideals of Pre A*-Algebra, International Journal of Computational Cognition, ISSN 1542-5908 (online); 1542-8060 (print) Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2011, pp.25-30.
  60. A.Satyanarayana, J.Venkateswara Rao, Representation of Pre A*-Algebra by Sections of Sheaves, International Journal of Computational Cognition ISSN 1542-5908 (online); 1542-8060 (print) Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2011, pp.40-44.
  61. Y.Praroopa, J.Venkateswara Rao, Lattice in Pre-A*-Algebra, Asian Journal of Algebra, ISSN 1994-540X / DOI : 10.3923/aja.2011.
  62. Y.Praroopa, J.V.Rao and K.Srinivasa Rao, Pre A*-Algebras and Rings, International Journal of Computational Science and Mathematics, ISSN 0974-3189 Vol 3, No: 2(2011), pp. 161-172.
  63. Y.Praroopa and J.Rao, Homomorphisms, Ideals and Congruence Relations of Pre-A*-Algebra, Global Journal of Mathematical Sciences (ISSN No.0974 – 3200), Vol.3, No: 2(2011), pp.111 – 125.
  64. J.Venkateswara Rao1, K.Srinivasa Rao, D. Kalyani, Decomposition of Pre A*-Algebra, International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, (ISSN 2230-9888)Vol.1 , No.1 (January, 2011).
  65. E.S.Rama Ravi Kumar, J.Venkateswara Rao, V.Srinivasa Kumar, Characterization of Distributive and Standard Ideals in Semilattices, Momona Ethiopian Journal of Sciences (ISSN: 2220-184X)Vol 3(1): 20-36, 2011.
  66. D.V.S.R.Anilkumar, J.Venkateswara Rao, J. Pramada , Radon - Nikodym Theorem and its uniqueness of Signed Lattice Measure, International Journal of Mathematics & Computation, (ISSN 0974-5718), Volume 12, Number S11,(pp.19-27)2011.
  67. D.V.S.R.Anilkumar, J.Venkateswara Rao and E.S.R. Ravi Kumar, Jordan Decomposition and its Uniqueness of Signed Lattice Measure, International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences (ISSN 1312-7586), 6(4):191- 198,2011.
  68. D.V.S.R.Anilkumar, J.Venkateswara Rao and E.S.R. Ravi Kumar, Charecterization of Class of Measurable Borel Lattices, International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences (ISSN 1312-7586),6(9): 439-446,2011.
  69. Satyanarayana, A, Venkateswara Rao, J, Surya Kumar. U, Prime and Maximal Ideals of Pre A*-Algebra, Trends in Applied Sciences Research (ISSN 1819-3579), 6(2):108-120, 2011.
  70. J.V.Rao and Y.Praroopa, Logic Circuits and Gates in Pre-A*-algebra, Asian Journal of Applied Sciences (ISSN 1996-3343), 4(1):89-96, 2011.
  71. A.Satyanarayana and J.Venkateswara Rao, Pre A*-Algebra With order relation, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, Vol. 5, 2010, no. 36, 1759 – 1769.
  72. A.Satyanarayana and J.Venkateswara Rao, Products and co-products in the Category of Pre A*-Algebras, International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics(ISSN 1819-4966), Volume 5, Number 4 (2010), pp. 423–435.
  73. Venkateswara Rao, J and Satyanarayana, A, Semilattice structure on Pre A*-Algebra, Asian Journal of Scientific Research (ISSN 1992-1454), 3(4)249-257, 2010.
  74. J.V.Rao and E.S.R.R.Kumar, Weakly Distributive and Sectionally *-semilattice, Asian Journal of Algebra (ISSN 1994-540X), 3(2): 36-42, 2010.
  75. J.Venkateswara Rao and P.Koteswara Rao, Subdirect Representations in A*-Algebras, Asian Journal of Mathematics & Statistics (ISSN 1994-5418), 3(4): 249-253, 2010.
  76. Jonnalagadda Venkateswara Rao and Emani Sree Rama Ravi Kumar, Modular and Classic Ideals of Directed bewloe join semilattice, International Journal of Algebra, vol. 4, 2010, no.18, 895-901.
  77. Satyanarayana, J. Venkateswara Rao, K. Srinivasa Rao and U. Surya Kumar, Some Structural Compatibilities of Pre A*-Algebra, African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research (ISSN 2006-9731), Vol. 3(4), pp. 54-59, April 2010.
  78. Emani Sree Rama Ravi Kumar and Jonnalagadda Venkateswara Rao, Characterization of Super modular Semilattices, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics (ISSN: 0129-2021), (2010) 34:1035–1041.
  79. J.Venkateswara Rao and E.S.R. Ravi Kumar, Distributive Convex Sublattices, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics (ISSN: 0129-2021), (2010) 34: 177–180.
  80. J.Venkateswara Rao and K.Srinivasa Rao, Cayley's theorem for centre of Pre A*-algebras, International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (ISSN 1819-4966), Vol 5 No1 (2010), pp. 103–111.
  81. J.Venkateswara Rao and E.S.R. Ravi Kumar, Characterisation of Standard And Distributive Ideals in Semilattice, International Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ISSN 0973-4864), Oct 2009- 02(1) Pp 16-20.
  82. A.Satyanarayana, . J.Venkateswara Rao, Pre A*-modules & If -then-else algebras over Pre A*-algebras, International Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ISSN 0973-4864), Oct 2009-01.pp 11-15.
  83. J.Venkateswara Rao and K.Srinivasa Rao: Pre A*-Algebra as a Poset, African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research (ISSN 2006-9731), Vol.2 (4).May 2009. pp. 073-080.
  84. J.Venkateswara Rao and K.Srinivasa Rao: Congruence on Pre A*-Algebra, Journal of Mathematical Sciences (An International Quarterly Periodical of Science), ISSN 0973-4597, Vol.4, Issue 4, November 2009, pp295-312.
  85. J.Venkateswara Rao, K.Srinivasa Rao, T.Nageswara Rao and R.V.N. Srinivas Rao, Exploring Pre A* - Algebras as a New Paradigm, International Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ISSN 0973-4864), Vol 1(14-19)2009.
  86. J.Venkateswara Rao and P.Koteswara Rao, A* Modules and If-then-else Algebras over A* - Algebras, International Journal of Computing & Mathematical Applications.(ISSN 0973-7448), Vol.2,No1-2, Jan-Dec(2008)103-108.
  87. K.Chandrasekhara Rao, J.Venkateswara Rao and P.Koteswara Rao, Pre A* - Algebras, Journal of Institute of Mathematics & Computer Sciences, (Math.Ser.)Vol.20, No.3 (2007)157-164.
  88. P.Koteswara Rao and J.Venkateswara Rao, A Cayley Theorem for A* - Algebras, Sectiunea Matematica, Romania (ISSN 1221- 8421) Analele tiintifice ale Universitii ''Al.I.Cuza'' din Iai, S.M.: (2005) S1, F1, 1-6.
  89. P.Koteswara Rao and J.Venkateswara Rao, Prime Ideals and Congruences in A*-Algebras, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, (ISSN: 0129-2021), S.A.B.M. (2004) 28: 1099-1119.
  90. P.Koteswara Rao and J.Venkateswara Rao, Boolean Algebras and A*-algebras, Journal of Pure Mathematics, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, (2003)20: 33-38.
  91. J.Venkateswara Rao and Y.Praroopa, Boolean Algebras and Pre A* Algebras, ACTA Ciencia Indica (Mathematics), (ISSN: 0970-0455), A.C.I. (2006) 32: 71-76.
  92. P.Koteswara Rao and J.Venkateswara Rao, Products and co-products in the category of A*- Algebras, ACTA Ciencia Indica (Mathematics), (ISSN: 0970-0455), A.C.I. (2005)31: 93-100.
  93. P.Koteswara Rao and J.Venkateswara Rao, Some Categorical Equivalences of A*-Algebras, ACTA Ciencia Indica (Mathematics), (ISSN: 0970-0455), A.C.I. (2005)31: 55-58.
  94. J. Venkateswara Rao, K.Srinivasa Rao, T.Nageswara Rao and R.V.N. Srinivas Rao, Exploring Pre A* - Algebras as a New Paradigm, International Conference Syatemics,Cybernetics and Informatics, ICSCI-2009 (Vol1(2) 6663- 6689, 2009)).
  95. J. Venkateswara Rao and E.S.R.Ravi Kumar, Modular and Classic Ideals of Directed below Join Semilattice, International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models (ICMCM, 2009), Held at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore during Dec 21-23, 2009.
  96. J. Venkateswara Rao, A.Satyanarayana, Partial Ordering on C-algebra, International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models (ICMCM, 2009), Held at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore during Dec 21-23, 2009.
  97. J. Venkateswara Rao, A.Satyanarayana, K.Srinivasa Rao, Pre A*-modules & If -then-else algebras over Pre A*-algebras, International Conference on Syatemics,Cybernetics and Informatics, ICSCI-2010, conference held at Hyderabad from January 27, 2010 to January, 30, 2010.
  98. J. Venkateswara Rao and E.S.R.Ravi Kumar, Characterization of Standard and Distributive ideals in Semi lattice, International Conference on Syatemics,Cybernetics and Informatics, ICSCI-2010 conference held at Hyderabad from January 27, 2010 to January, 30, 2010.
  99. J. Venkateswara Rao, A.Satyanarayana, Products and co-product in the Category of Pre A*-Algebras, International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science-2010, ICMCS,February 5-6, 2010,Loyola College, Chennai, India.
  100. J. Venkateswara Rao, A.Satyanarayana, Categorical aspects of Pre A* -Algebra, International Conference On Mathematics and Computer Science 2010, I CMCS,February 5-6, 2010,Loyola College, Chennai, India.
  101. K. Srinivasa Rao, J.Venkateswara Rao, Decomposition of PreA*-Algebra, InternationalConference On Mathematics and Computer Science 2010, I CMCS,February 5-6, 2010,Loyola College, Chennai, India.
  102. J. Venkateswara Rao, R.V.N.Srinivasa Rao, An upper bound for the chromatic number of Total graphs, International Conference On Mathematics and Computer Science, ICMCS, February 5-6, 2010, Loyola College, Chennai, India.
  103. Habtu Alemayehu, Yohannes Yirga Kefela, A. Satyanarayana and J.Venkateswara Rao: Hull-Kernel Topology of a Pre A*- Algebra, International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 19-20 February 2018, Department of Matherematics, SCSVMV, Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu, India.(ISBN 978-93-87088-01-6).
  104. Balamurugan B.J., Thirusangu K., Murali B.J., Venkateswara Rao J. (2019) Computation of Narayana Prime Cordial Labeling of Book Graphs. In: Rushi Kumar B., Sivaraj R., Prasad B., Nalliah M., Reddy A. (eds) Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing. Trends in Mathematics. Birkhäuser, Cham (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-01123-9_54) (Print ISBN978-3-030-01122-2) (Online ISBN978-3-030-01123-9).

Areas of Interest/Specialization:

  • Boolean algebra
  • Lattice theory
  • Measure theory
  • Graph theory and related areas of Universal Algebra.

Courses Teaching:

  • MTH 2215: Discrete Mathematics
  • MTH 1109: College Algebra
  • MTH 1105: Algebra in the practical contest