Njoroge, Margaret Wanjiku, PhD

Email: manjoroge@usiu.ac.ke | Telephone: +254722310213

Areas of interest/specialization: Counseling Psychology


Dr. Margaret Njoroge is an Assistant Professor of Psychology with a major in counseling psychology.

I was born on 1st march 1967. I am married and have three children

I have worked in different sectors both NGOs and academics as a psychologist, trainer, psychosocial programmer, administrator and a lecturer.

I am currently a member of Kenyatta University Council and a volunteer in Faranja Cancer Care Center in MP Shah Hospital.

I also participate greatly in church activities especially in youth mentorship.

Academic Degrees:

  • Ph.D in Counseling Psychology – Egerton University – 2015
  • Masters in Counseling Psychology – Daystar University – 2008
  • Diploma in trauma and cognition – Norwegian Conference on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – 2007
  • Bachelor of Counseling Psychology – University of Nairobi – 2005
  • Diploma in counseling Psychology - Daystar University - 2001

    Journal Articles

    1. Njoroge, M., Sindabi, A., and Njonge T. (2014). Exposure to Post Election Violence and Development of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Among Children in Eldoret Sub-County, Kenya. International Journal of Current Research Vol. 6, Issue, 09, pp.8798-8806.

    1. Njoroge, M., Sindabi, A., and Njonge T. (2014). Social Support and Resilience to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Among Children in Eldoret Sub-county, Kenya. International Journal of Current Research Vol. 6, Issue, 09, pp.8807-8814.

    1. Njoroge, Margaret & Njoroge Mary. (2014). Resilience as a Protective Factor in Coping With Trauma Among Congolese Urban Refugee Women in Kenya. International Journal of Current Research Vol. 6, Issue, 11, pp.9841-9848.

    1. Njoroge, M., & Gachanja, J. Integrating Psychological Principles to Prevent Corruption for Responsive and Equitable Public service Delivery. A paper presented at the Annual Forum against Corruption in Africa – AFACA 2014

    Book Chapters – N/A

    Teaching (courses taught at USIU and elsewhere) – Introduction to psychology, psychopathology, Theories of Marriage and Family, Neuropsycopathology, Personality and Behavioral Assessment, Health Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Research Methods, Child and adolescent Counseling, Cognitive psychology, counseling special populations.

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