Dr. Mwangi, Peterson Kimiru

Assistant Professor of Psychology


Dr. Mwangi is a practicing Counseling Psychologist with over twenty years’ experience of working with adolescents and young adults. He holds a PhD Degree in Counseling Psychology, A Master’s Degree in Education (Guidance and Counseling) and a Bachelors (Honors) Degree in Education all from Kenyatta University. He previously worked as a Senior Lecturer in the School of Human and Social Sciences and the Associate Dean, Student Affairs at Daystar University. He earlier worked as a Graduate Teacher in various High Schools under the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

Dr. Mwangi is a peer reviewer with the Commission for Higher Education (CUE) and has participated in curriculum development, review, evaluation and assessment of both undergraduate and post graduate programs in different universities. He is a supervisor of theses at both Master’s and PhD levels. He is also an external examiner for three Kenyan Universities.

Dr. Mwangi has been actively involved in Community Service as a mental health expert, having facilitated conferences, camps and workshops in various institutions of learning and community organizations.

Academic Degrees:

  • 2014: PhD in Couseling Psychology, Kenyatta University.
  • 2004: MEd Guidance and Counselling, Kenyatta University.
  • 1997: BEd (Arts) Hons., Kenyatta University.

Areas of Interest/Specialization:

  • Counseling Psychology


  • PSY 7716 – Community and Rural Psychology
  • PSY 7717 - Treatment Modalities
  • PSY 7718 - Treatment Modalities II
  • PSY 6110 – Personality and Affect
  • PSY 6114 – Life Cycle Developmental Psychology
  • PSY 3110 – Psychology of Personality
  • PSY 3115 – Abnormal Psychology
  • PSY 2125 – Human Sexuality
  • PSY 2120 – Human Learning
  • PSY 1101 – Introduction to Psychology
  • PSY 1105 – Developmental Psychology
  • PSY 1111 – Writing in Psychology
  • CMS3700 - Community Service