Karume, Michelle, PhD

Academic & Professional Qualifications

-Doctor of Marital and Family Therapy

-Medical Family Therapist

-Marriage and Family Therapist

Employment History

- Current United States International University-Africa

-Loma Linda University, California USA

-Catholic Charities, California USA


  • - Counseling and Family Sciences 1st 2010

Place Research Award (best paper)

Department of Counseling and Family

Sciences Annual Conference-LLU

  • Wilbur Alexander Wholeness Award 2010

Loma Linda University

  • Team Builder Award 2010

Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic

  • Diversity Loan Award 2009

Loma Linda University

Referred Journals

-Michelle Karume, Medical Family Therapy; Advanced Applications: A Book Review. (2018). Journal Of Child and Adolescent Mental Health 30 (3).

Books and Books Chapters

-Hernandez B., & Karume M., (2015). Prostituted Hearts and Bodies. Church and Society. Missiological Challenges for the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Patterson Printing. (354-367)

Conference/Workshops/Seminar Papers

Conference Papers

- Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference-Washington DC ?

Evaluating A Symptom Management Program for Fibromyalgia Patients and their Families: A Mixed Method Study.

- California Association of Marriage and Family Therapy Conference 2011

?Evaluating A Symptom Management Program for Fibromyalgia Patients and their Families: A Mixed Method Study.

Nurtured Heart Approach Global Summit-San Francisco 2011

-Loma Linda Counseling & Family Sciences Research Conference 2010

“Transforming Relationships in Group Homes: A Qualitative Study of the Nurtured Heart Approach”

-San Manuel Band of Mission Indians 2009

Dealing with grief, loss and change among the Native American children

-Loma Linda Villa Retirement Center December 18, 2009

Your Words, Your Soul (with Barbara Hernandez, PhD)

Student Co-authored Publications

-Nyaga, N. N., Kihara, M. & Karume, M. (2017). Psychological, Emotional and Social Hindrances to Self-Disclosure of Extra-Dyadic Involvement (EDI) By Men: An African Study. Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences. 5(9) 12-18

-Nyaga, N. N., Karume, M. & Khasakhala, L. (2017). What Men In Extradyadic Involvement (EDI) Desire Their Spouses To Know: An African Perspective. International Journal of Innovative Research and advanced Studies. 4 (8) 239-244

-Webbo, R.K., Kihara, M. & Karume, M. (2017). Effect of Age and Marriage Duration on Marital Satisfaction: A Case of Christian Marriages in Kenya. The International Journal Of Humanities & Social Studies. 5(8)9-13

-Webbo, R.K., Kihara, M. & Karume, M. (2017). The Influence Of Religiosity on Marital Satisfaction and Stability Among Christians in Kenya. Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science. 5(8) 7-12

-Awuor, A., & Karume, M. (2014). Autism Spectrum Disorder in Kenya and the role of the Psychologist-A Review of the Literature. Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science. 2(3) 83-85.

-Karume, M. & Osiemo. I.(2014). Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Meta analysis. Prime Journal of Business Administration and Management. 4(6) 1507-1511

-Gichovi, F., M. & Karume, M. (2014). Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science. 2(5) 57-60

1.3 Research

-Early childhood trauma and adult diseases.

Funded Projects

- Correlation between early life trauma and adult physical and mental health diseases among Kenyans; A quantitative study

Conferences Attended

- EARMAC Conference 2018

- Society Of Behavioral Medicine, Washington DC

Workshops Attended

-Kenya Psychological Association Conference 2017 at USIU-A

Seminars Attended

-AAMFT 2018 Symposium 2018


- Moises Correia Da Silva; Students’ Satisfaction With Supervision During Practicum: A Case Of USIU-A Students.

- Fatima Usman Saleh-The Link Between Different Parenting Styles In Relation To Depressive Symptoms In Young Adults

-Nancy Mirema

- Monica Kariuki-Effectiveness Of Premarital Counseling Programs On Marital Stability Among Selected Couples In Nairobi County

-Michelle Wanjiku- Psychosocial Determinants Of Self Efficacy: A Review Of Parenting Styles, Cultural Orientation And Learning Environments.

-Truphosah Fridah Monah-Psycho-Social Consequences Of Social Exclusion Of Persons With Disabilities In Kenya.


- Nancy Nyaga-Title: `Self-Disclosure of Extra Dyadic Involvement among Married Men in Nairobi County and its Environs- A Mixed Study`.

-Roselyn Webbo-

-Florence Ambayo- Parental Dysfunctionality: A Predictor Of Adolescent Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder And Depressive Disorders In Bungoma County, Kenya

Professional/Consultancy (Editor/Peer review in journals, Networks/Collaborations, External Examiner, Patents)

-Program Development-Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy at USIU-A

-Program Development-Ph.D on Marriage and Family Therapy at PAC-University

Community Service and Other Engagements

-USIU-A-Faculty and Staff Training; Marriage and Family Therapy

-Rapporteur for 2018 EAMARC conference

-Planning Committee for EAMARC conference 2017

-Recro Group Limited-Community Psychotherapy

-Recro Annual camp

Affiliation of Professional Bodies

-Society of Behavioral Medicine

-Kenya Psychological Association

Recognized university administrative positions

-Member of Department Research Committee

-Member of Academic Research Committee (ARC)

-Marriage and Family Therapy Program Lead

-Masters in Clinical Psychology Program Lead