Dr. Arasa, Josephine, PhD

Name: Dr. Josephine Nyaboke Arasa

Email: jarasa@usiu.ac.ke

Contact Address: (+254) 714 453 135.

Areas of Specialization:

• Neuro Psychological Assessment

• Quality Assurance in Higher Education

• External Peer Review of Programs

• Program and institutional Review and Assessment

• Institutional and program audit

• Facilitation and Development of benchmark standards for programs


Dr. Josephine Nyaboke Arasa has a PhD in Educational psychology; Advanced Diploma in Clinical Child Neuropsychology, Med in Educational Psychology and B.Ed. (Sc).

Currently am an Associate Professor of Psychology at the United States International University-Africa and acting chair, Psychology Department. Prior to this I was a lecturer at Kenyatta University.

As an Educational psychologist I have vast experience in teaching in higher education (last 20 years), research in various topical issues, and community service.

I have taught research methods at both undergraduate and graduate levels, supervised theses and projects, examined theses and been an external examiner and peer reviewer.

For the last 8 years I have been training as an expert on Quality assurance frameworks for the interuniversity council for East Africa (IUCEA) commissions/councils in the region, institutions of higher learning and at international forums.

Research Interests:

• Education: Leadership, Quality of Training, Quality Assurance, Quality Assessment

• Sexuality and Disability

• Mentoring

• Education for Special Needs and Disadvantaged Groups

• Program Evaluation

• Cross cultural and ethnic identity among adolescents in psychology-

Academic Qualifications

• 2004: PhD, Educational Psychology, Kenyatta University (Nairobi, Kenya).

• 1998: Advance diploma, Clinical child neuropsychology, Niilo Maki Institute, Jyavaskila University (Jyavaskila, Finland).

• 1995: MEd, Educational Psychology, Kenyatta University (Nairobi, Kenya).

• 1988: BEd (Science), Education, botany and zoology, Kenyatta University (Nairobi, Kenya).

Employment History

• 2018-date: Ag. Chair, Psychology department United States International University,

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

• 2017-date: Associate professor of psychology, United States International University,

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

• Aug- Nov, 2017: Acting associate DVC Student Affairs, United States International University,

• 2007 -2017: Assistant Professor of Psychology, United States International University,

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

• 2004-2007: Lecturer, Educational Psychology Department, Kenyatta University (Nairobi, Kenya).

• 1996-2004: Tutorial Fellow, Educational Psychology Department, Kenyatta University (Nairobi, Kenya).