1.0 Bio:
Munyae M. Mulinge is a Professor of Sociology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, United States International University (USIU) in Nairobi, Kenya. He holds a BA (First Class Honors) in Sociology and a MA in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Nairobi, Kenya, plus a PhD in Sociology from the University of Iowa, USA.
Prof. Mulinge has taught Sociology in various Colleges and Universities in the United States, Botswana, and Kenya. He has conducted research in varied areas, including Higher Education (focusing on governance and the quality of postgraduate training), job satisfaction and organizational attachment, corruption and economic mismanagement, ethnicity and HIV/AIDS, leading to the authorship and publication of many research works with internationally acclaimed journals and publishing houses.
2.0 Academic Degrees (starting with the highest academic qualification)
- 1994: Ph.D. (in Sociology), University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA.
- 2005: MBA, North West University, Mmabatho, South Africa
- 2003: Certificate in Business Leadership, University of South Africa, South Africa.
- 1986: MA (in Urban and Regional Planning), University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya.
- 1984: BA (in Sociology), First Class Honors, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya.
3.0 Publications (Where possible include the link to the publications)
3.1 Research Interests
Employee Workplace Conditions and Experiences [Job Satisfaction and Organizational Attachment]
Higher Education
Organizational Change
Indigenous Knowledge Systems [IKS]
3.2 Journal Articles
- Arasa, E. K., Arasa, J. N, and Mulinge, M. M. 2018. “The Predictors of Body Image Dissatisfaction among Undergraduate Students at the United States International University-Africa, Nairobi, Kenya.” Journal of Social and Political Sciences, Vol.1 (1): 9-21
- Dzinekou, J. Y., Arasa, R. and Mulinge, M. M. 2017. “Role of Entrepreneurial Capability in the Performance of Private Universities in Kenya.” International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management Volume 5, Issue 9: 499-525
- Odek, A. W., Masinde, J., Omar, E., Mulinge, M. M., Oloo, J., and Olang, K. O. 2016. “The Social Construction of the Meaning of Infertility in Kenya: A Case of Kisumu County.” International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp: 570-583
- Odek, A, Masinde M. J., Egesah, O., Irungu C., and Mulinge M. M. 2016. “Socio-Cultural Beliefs and Practices Associated with Infertility in Kenya: A Case of Kisumu County.” African Multidisciplinary Journal of Research Vol 1, No 1, pp. 51-87
- Baiocchi, M. Omondi, B, Langat, N., Derek B. Boothroyd1, D. B., Sinclair, J., Pavia, L., Mulinge, M, Githua, O., Golden, N. H. and Sarnquist, C. 2016. “A Behavior-Based Intervention That Prevents Sexual Assault: The Results of a Matched-Pairs, Cluster-Randomized Study in Nairobi, Kenya.” Prevention Science, Vol. 17, Issue 81
- Keller, J., Omondi, B., Sinclair J., Githua, O.W, Mulinge, M. M., Bergholz, L., Paiva, L., . Golden, N. H; Kapphahn, C. J. (2015). A 6-Week School Curriculum Improves Boys’ Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Gender-Based Violence in Kenya”. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. …: 1-23
- Sinclair, J., Githua, O.W., Omondi, B., Kapphahn, C. J., Sinclair, L., Mulinge, M. M., and Golden, N. H. (2014). “The Impact of a Six-week School Curriculum on Boys' Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Kenya.” Journal of Adolescent Health Vol. 54 Issue 2 pp. S1-S16
- Sarnquist, C., Omondi, B., Sinclair, J., Gitau, C., Paiva, L., Mulinge, M. M., Cornfield D. N. and Maldonado Y. 2014. “Rape Prevention through Empowerment of Adolescent Girls”. Pediatrics, Vol. 133 (5): 1226-1232
- Sinclair J., Sinclair, L., Otieno, E., Mulinge, M., Kapphahn, C. and Golden, N. H. (2013). “A Self- Defense Program Reduces the Incidence of Sexual Assault in Kenyan Adolescent Girls” Journal of Adolescent Health Vol. 53 Issue 3 pp. 374-380
- Mulinge, Munyae M. and Arasa, J. N. (2013) “Investigating the Quality of Postgraduate Research in African Universities Today: A Qualitative Analysis of External Examination Reports” International Journal of Arts and Commerce, Vol. 2, (2): 174-193
- Arasa, J. N., Mulinge, M. M. and Odiemo, L. (2012) “African Refugee Students’ Conceptions of Democracy: Implications for Conflict Mitigation”. African Renaissance”, Volume 9 Number 3-4: 15-34
- Mulinge M. M. 2010. “Socioeconomic and Political Dilemmas to the Implementation of the 1989 United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child in sub-Saharan Africa: An Update.” Child Abuse and Neglect, 34:10-17
- Mulinge, M. M. 2008. "Botswana, Africa's Haven of Ethnic Peace and Harmony: What Future Prospects." African Journal of Sociology, 6 (1): 60 - 84.
- Mulinge M. M. and Munyae M. M. 2008. “Managing Organizational Change in Higher Education: Lessons from the University of Botswana” Journal of African Business, 9 (1): 167-190
- Molebatsi, K. and M. M. Mulinge. 2004. "Indigenous Discourses in the Social Construction of HIV/AIDS in Serowe, Botswana”. Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Vol. 3, Issue 2: 134-146
- Mulinge, M. M. 2002 "Implementing the 1989 United Nations' Convention on the Rights of the Child in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Overlooked Socioeconomic and Political Dilemmas." Child Abuse and Neglect, 26 (11): 1117-1130
- Mulinge, M. M. & G. N. Lesetedi 2002. "Corruption in sub-Saharan Africa: Toward a More Holistic Approach" African Journal of Political Science, 7 (1): 51-78.
- Mueller, C. W., M. M. Mulinge & J. Glass. 2002. “Interactional Processes and Gender Workplace Inequalities." Social Psychology Quarterly, 65 (2): 163-185
- Mulinge M. M. 2002. "Poverty Alleviation through Civil Society: A Case of Botswana". Development Policy Management in sub-Saharan Africa Bulletin, Vol. IX, Number 2, May 2002, pp.8-10
- Mueller, C. W. & M. M. Mulinge. 2001. "Justice Perceptions in the Workplace: Gender Differences in Kenya." African Sociological Review, 5 (2): 102-121.
- Mulinge, M. M. 2001. “Employer Control of Employees: Extending the Lincoln-Kalleberg Corporatist Model of Satisfaction and Attachment.” Human Relations, 54 (3): 287-320
- Mulinge, M. M. 2001. “The Gendered Workplace in Kenya: A Comparative Analysis of the Public and Parastatal Sectors." Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review, Vol. XVII, No. 1: 53-77.
- Lesetedi, G. N. & Mulinge, M. M. 2001. "Demystifying HIV/ AIDS Research: A Call for More Community-Based Research in Botswana". Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies, vol.15, No.1, pp .230 -240
- Mulinge, M. M & Munyae, M. M. 2000 "The Ethnicization of the State and the Crisis of Development: The Kenyan Experience" Journal of Cultural Studies, 2 (1): 141-159.
- Mulinge, M. M. 2000. “Toward an Explanation of Cross-Sector Differences in Job Satisfaction and Organizational Attachment among Agricultural Technicians in Kenya.” African Sociological Review, 4 (1): 55-73.
- Munyae M. M. and Mulinge, M. M. 1999. “The Centrality of a Historical Perspective is in the Study of Modern Social Problems in sub-Saharan Africa: A Tale From Two Case Studies.” Journal of Social Development in Africa, 14 (2): 51-70.
- Mulinge, M. M. & G. N. Lesetedi. 1998. “Interrogating Our Past: Colonialism and the Birth and Entrenchment of Corruption in sub-Saharan Africa.” African Journal of Political Science, Vol. 3, No.2, 15-28.
- Mulinge, M. M. & C. W. Mueller. 1998. "Employee Job Satisfaction in Developing Countries: The Case of Kenya.” World Development, Vol. 26, No. 12: 2181 - 2199.
- Mulinge, M. M. & M. M. Munyae. 1998. “The Persistent Growth of the Informal Economy in sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for Theorizing the Economy and Labor Markets.” African Sociological Review, Vol. 2, No. 2: 20-46.
3.3 Books
- Mulinge Munyae M., Arasa, Josephine Nyaboke and Wawire, Violet Kalayi. 2016. The Status of Student Involvement in University Governance in Kenya: The Case of Public and Private Universities. Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
- Mulinge, Munyae M. and Getu, Melese (Eds.) 2013. Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Pastoralists Women in Sub-Saharan Africa. Addis-Ababa: Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) and Fountain Publishers
- Mulinge, Munyae M. and others 2008. Compromising Rights, Losing Lives in the Fight against HIV/AIDS: Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Botswana. Gaborone: Lentswe La Lesedi (Pty) Ltd
- Mulinge, Munyae M. and Mufune, P. (eds.) 2003. Debt Relief Initiatives and Poverty Alleviation: Lessons from Africa, Pretoria: The African Institute of South Africa.
- Milazi, D., Mulinge, M. M. and Mukamaambo, E. P. (Eds.) 2002. Democracy, Human Rights and Regional Co-operation in Southern Africa, Pretoria: The African Institute of South Africa.
- Mukamaambo, E. P. Lesetedi,G. N. and Mulinge M. M. 2001. A Situational Analysis of Stigma Associated with HIV/AIDS: A Pilot Study. Gaborone: Ministry of Health, AIDS/STD Unit: World Health Organization.
3.4 Book Chapters
- Mulinge, Munyae M. and Arasa, Josephine N. 2016. “The Devolution Pathway to Faster and More Equitable Regional Development in Kenya: What prospects”. In J. M. Bahemuka, J. Kivuva and G. Michuki (Eds.), Construction of Knowledge Societies for Wealth Creation: Implementing the 2010 Constitution. Nairobi: University of Nairobi Press, pp. 93-120
- Mulinge, Munyae M. 2013. “Introduction”. In Munyae M. Mulinge and Melese Getu (eds.), Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Pastoralists Women in Sub-Saharan Africa. Addis-Ababa: Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) and Fountain Publishers
- Mulinge, M. M. 2005. “NEPAD and the AU: Charting a Future for a Continent Held Hostage by Its Past" In G. Jacques and G. N. Lesetedi (Eds.), NEPAD and the AU: Opportunities and Challenges, Pretoria: The African Institute of South Africa, pp. 23-43.
- Kemoche, K. N., Nyambegera, K. M. and Mulinge, M. M. 2004. “HRM in Kenya”. In K. N. Kemoche, Y. A. Debrah, F. M. Horwitz, and G. N. Muuka (eds). Managing Human Resources in Africa, London: Routledge, pp 87 -102.
- Mulinge, M. M. 2003. "Debt Forgiveness Initiatives and Poverty Alleviation in sub-Saharan Africa: Too Little: Too Soon." In M. M. Mulinge and “P. Mufune (Eds.), Debt Relief Initiatives and Poverty Alleviation: Lessons from Africa, Pretoria: The African Institute of South Africa, pp. 23-43.
- Mulinge, M. M. 2002. "Impediments to Simultaneous Democratization and the Respect for Human Rights in Africa." In D. Milazi, M. Mulinge and E.P. Mukamaambo (Eds.), Democracy, Human Rights and Regional Co-operation in Southern Africa, Pretoria: The African Institute of South Africa
- Mulinge, M. M. & M. M. Munyae. 2001. “Globalization and Sustainable Development in Africa: Putting Old Wine in a New Wineskin?” In T. Assefa, S. M. Rugumamu and A. G. M. Ahmed (eds), Globalization, Democracy and Development in Africa: Challenges and Prospects, Addis Ababa: for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa, pp.101 - 119.
- Mulinge, M. M. & G. N. Lesetedi. 1999. “The Genesis and Entrenchment of Corruption in sub-Saharan Africa: A Historical and International Contextualization,” in K. Frimpong and G. Jacques (eds.) Corruption, Democracy and Good Governance in Africa: Essays on Accountability and Ethical Behavior. Gaborone: Lentswe La Lesedi Publishers. pp. 20 – 30.
4.0 Teaching (courses taught)
Introduction to Sociology
The Social Structure of Society
Sociology of Deviance and Crime
Theories of Crime and Deviance
Communities and Crime
Modern Social Problems
Research Methods
Research Proposal Writing
Data Analysis and Report Writing
Social Statistics
Social Inequality
Sociology of Work and Industry
Micro Sociological Theories
Social Conflict and Resolution
Social Stratification
Work and Occupations
Community Service Learning