Dr. Stella Nyagwencha is a goal oriented counselor, clinical psychologist and academician with twenty three years teaching experience. She graduated with a PhD in clinical Psychology as a DAAD scholar and has demonstrated proficiency in psychological assessment, psychotherapy and research. Recent work related exposures include training in Social Behavior Change, Research Ethics and Neuro Education.
Dr. Nyagwencha enjoys supervising masters and doctorate students in thesis and dissertation writing.
Academic Degrees:
- 0000: Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
- 0000: Masters in Counseling Psychology
- 0000: Bachelors in Education Arts (Music)
Journal Articles
- Stella Kemuma Nyagwencha1, Alice Munene1, Naomi James1, Ricarda Mewes2, Antonia Barke3 (2018). Prevalence of Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress, Depression and Anxiety among Abused and Neglected Adolescents in Charitable Children’s Institutions in Nairobi. American Journal of Applied Psychology, 7 (2), 37-43
- Stella Kemuma Nyagwencha, MA; Dr. Naomi James, Ph.D.; Dr. Alice Munene, Psy. D. (2018). Association between Symptoms of Anxiety, Depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Adolescents with a History of Abuse or Neglect. International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research, 3(4),ISSN 2455-8834.
- Stella Nyagwencha, Ph.D.; Alice Munene, Psy.D., Naomi James, Ph.D., Daystar University (2018). Types of Abuse Experienced by Adolescents Living in Charitable Children’s Institutions in Nairobi County, Kenya. African Journal of Clinical Psychology, 01,(03), 978-9966-936-05-9.
- Stella Kemuma Nyagwencha, PhD., Alice Munene, Psy.D., Naomi James, PhD. (2019). Predictors of Symptoms of PTSD, Depression and Anxiety Disorders Among Abused and Neglected Adolescents Living in Charitable Children’s Institutions in Nairobi County, Kenya. African Journal of Clinical Psychology, 02(02), 978-9966-936-05-9.
- Preskilla Ochieng-Munda, Ph.D. Candidate in Clinical Psychology; Alice Munene, Psy.D., & Stella Kemuma Nyagwencha, Ph.D. (2020). Prevalence and Severity of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Adolescents Living and Attending Schools in Informal Settlements in Kajiado North sub-county, Kenya. African Journal of Clinical Psychology 02(03) ISSN: 978-9966-936- 05-9.
- Moureen Adhiambo Nyayieka, Stella Kemuma Nyagwencha, & Solomon Nzyuko (2020). Correlation of Clinical Depression, Anxiety and Academic Performance of Adolescents in Selected Secondary Schools in Kenya. American Journal of Applied Psychology, 9(1): 14-21. doi: 10.11648/j.ajap.20200901.13 ISSN: 2328-5664 (Print); ISSN: 2328-5672 (Online)
- Moureen Adhiambo Nyayieka, Ph.D. Candidate in Clinical Psychology; Stella Nyagwencha, Ph.D. & Solomon Nzyuko, Ph.D. (2020). Prevalence of Clinical Depression and Anxiety among Adolescents in Selected Public Secondary Schools in Homabay County, Kenya. African Journal of Clinical Psychology, 3(1). ISSN: 978-9966-936-05-9: 2020
- Preskilla Ochieng-Munda, Ph.D. Candidate in Clinical Psychology; Alice Munene, Psy.D. & Stella Kemuma Nyagwencha, Ph.D. (2020). School Absenteeism and other Factors Associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Adolescents Living and Attending Primary Schools in Informal Settlements in Kajiado North sub-county, Kenya. African Journal of Clinical Psychology, 3(1); ISSN: 978-9966-936-05-9.
- Assumptor Mukangi, Stella Nyagwencha and Dr. Mary Mogute (2020). The Effectiveness of Kid NET in Reducing PTSD Symptoms Adolescent Boys in Selected Secondary Schools in Kenya”, International Journal of Current Research, 12, (09), 13810- 13814.
- Assumptor Mukangi, Stella Nyagwencha, Mary Mogute. Prevalence of PTSD Among Adolescent Boys in Selected Secondary Schools in Machakos County, Kenya. American Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 9, No. 5, 2020, pp. 140-144. doi:10.11648/j.ajap.20200905.12
Areas of Interest/Specialization:
- Clinical Psychology
- Research in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Depression and anxiety
Course Teaching:
- PSY 7723A - Practicum III
- PSY 6722A - Clinical Assessment
- PSY 1101A - Introduction to Psychology
- MFT 6801A - Ethics