Innovation and Incubation Center

The Incubation and Innovation Center (I2C) exists as a Center under the School of Graduate Studies, Research, and Extension (SGSRE).

I2C provides entrepreneurship training, advisement, mentoring, linkages, and work space for student and alumni-run ventures. Selected business ideas are incubated for a 12-month period to develop the idea and to better position it for a successful launch. I2C endeavors to educate students and become an integral part of the East African entrepreneurship ecosystem by providing students with real-life experiences, mentoring, advising, connection to resources, and funding with the ultimate goal of creating self-sustaining, funding-ready ventures.
I2C also enhances the academic quality of programs through broadly applied capabilities for students. More specifically, I2C intermingles with course deliverables in the entrepreneurship concentration of the Chandaria School of Business' MBA program.


The I2C AppFactory offers Africa's technology graduates the hands-on experience they need to succeed as software craftsmen - able to design, develop, implement, and manage successful software solutions for a Cloud First, Mobile First world.
The I2C AppFactory is designed to be:

  • An engine for the development of skilled talents that respond to ICT industry needs;
  • A Research & Development Lab for developing innovative ICT projects;
  • A Digital Transformation Program for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and other key sectors;
  • An engine to contribute to strengthen the entrepreneurship ecosystem;