Internal Research Grants 2017/2018

Applicant Title Amount Awarded in KES
Marion Mbogo An empirical analysis of influence of management accounting practices on financial management of small and medium enterprises in Kenya 494500
Lincoln Were/Apolo Maima/Kevin Odhiambo/Josephat Mosweta/Dickens Ondigo Studies of phytochemicals gold nanoparticles ointments/creams for management of sarcoptes scabiei and associated bacterial infections 994640
Stephen Kimotho Perceptions of local community members on the stakeholder engagement strategies used by energy investors in Kenya: A case study of Kinangop wind park crisis 529220
Paul Wachana/Francis/Wambalaba/Amos Njuguna/Akosa Wambalaba/Salome The metro agri-food living lab baseline study: Effectiveness of the metro agri-food living lab and information technology application for entrepreneurship development among the youth in selected East African countries 998300
Samuel Wainaina Investor sentiment on IPO market 500000
Naomi Nyarigoti Learned helplessness and achievements of women with higher degree in Kenya 499450
Francis Wambalaba Social enterprise development for the low income urban households towards urban livability and safe agri-food supply in cities: A PPP approach for sustainable urban agriculture 499900
Edith Amuhaya/Naumih Noah/Betty Mbatia/Eugene Otoo Development of protoactive materials for water decontamination 1000486
Timothy Okech/Teresia Linge Empirical analysis of determinants of public sector spending on recurrent expenditure in Kenya 700000
Juliana Namada/Joyce Ndegwa/James Ngari/Jeremiah Koshal Effects of drug and substance abuse on university students at United States International University-Africa 500000
Kioko Ireri Global television: Exploring English football imperialism among fanatical fans in Kenya 500000
Michelle Karume The correlation between early childhood trauma and adult physical and mental health diseases among Kenyans: A quantitative study 497380
Scott Bellows Business and identity in society: Entrepreneurship and social impact, the role of culture 179575