Established in 2018, we are a network of African scholars seeking to advance decision-focused impact evaluation of development programs through capacity building, evidence generation and policy outreach. NIERA is hosted by the Graduate School of Research and Extension under the United States International University-Africa’s (USIU-Africa) in Nairobi, Kenya.
NIERA is an association currently comprising of alumni of the East Africa Social Science Translation (EASST) Collaborative and has membership across five member countries – Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Rwanda equipped with multi-sectoral expertise (high level academic degrees and experience in conducting rigorous evaluations) in various thematic areas.
For more information, visit https://nieraglobal.org
NIERA is organizing another Decision Focused Evaluation (DFE) training for media practitioners in East Africa on 2nd- 4th June 2021 @3pm-5pm (Nairobi time), and will be conducted by our member Dr. Christine Simiyu.
By the end of the training, participants will acquire adequate knowledge and skills to help them understand DFE’s in their specific operations, to interpret and apply the concepts across different levels and contexts.
Kindly direct any questions to Anne Maina on ammaina@usiu.ac.ke.
To register for the training, please click here
NIERA will be hosting a series of virtual Decision-Focused Evaluation (DFE) trainings that, aim to build capacities of program designers and implementers in Impact Evaluation (IE) across East Africa.
The trainings have been tailored to program implementers interested in the interlink between IE and program implementation. The initial training is scheduled for 27-29th April 2021 from 3pm-5.30pm (Nairobi time) and will be facilitated by Dr. Alebel Bayrau, Dr. Getachew Kassa, and Dr. Shibiru Ayalew.
By the end of the training, participants will acquire adequate knowledge and skills to help them understand DFE’s in their specific operations, to interpret and apply the concepts across different levels and contexts.
Kindly direct any questions to Anne Maina on ammaina@usiu.ac.ke.
To register for the training, please click here.
The Network of Impact Evaluation Researchers in Africa (NIERA), housed at USIU-Africa, will be hosting a series of virtual Decision-Focused Impact Evaluation (DFE) trainings for program designers and implementers in East Africa. The training will focus on introducing participants to impact evaluation techniques that focus on addressing causality, sound communication of empirical results and how to derive policy-based recommendations. The trainings will be held from Wednesday, April 21 to Friday, April 23, 2021 for two hours per session (9.00am to 11.00am EAT). The training will be facilitated by Dr. Ronald Rulebeke.
Kindly direct any questions to Anne Maina on ammaina@usiu.ac.ke
Please register here for the event.