Dr. Sikolia, Geoffrey Serede

Acting Dean, and Assistant Professor
gserede@usiu.ac.ke    |     +254 730 116


Dr. Sikolia has worked as the Dean, School of Science and Technology and lecturer in the Departments of Communication and Journalism, and Information Science at the Kenya Methodist University for over 10 years.

He completed his bachelor’s degree in Education, Fine Art from Kenyatta University, a Master of Arts in Communication degree from Daystar University and his doctorate degree in Mass Communication from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.

He has published in peer reviewed journals and is actively engaged in research activities, with interests in the area of New Media and the youth. His career objective is to conduct pragmatic research based on actions, situations and consequences with a view of solving societal problems.

He has successfully supervised Masters and doctoral students in Mass Communication. He resides in Nairobi with his wife and four children.

Academic Degrees:

  • 0000: Doctor of Philosophy in Mass Communication, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • 0000: Master of Arts in Communication (Corporate), Daystar University, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • 0000: Bachelor of Education (Arts), Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.

Journal Articles/Conferences

  • Sikolia, G. S., Mberia, H. K. (2019). ‘Last seen now’: Explaining teenage identities and social capital on social network sites in Kenya. Journal of Development and Communication Studies. 6(1).
  • Macharia, N. W., Kinoti, H. M, & Serede, G, S. (2018). Web 2.0 technologies for accessing reproductive health information among the youth in Kenya. International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering. 5(8).
  • Macharia, N. W., Kinoti, H. M, & Serede, G. S. (2018). Determinants of social network site preferences for accessing reproductive health information among university students in Nairobi. International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communication. 4(3), 11-20.
  • Wanyonyi, M. S., Odini, C, & Sikolia, G. S. (2018). Effect of adequacy of information resources on user satisfaction at Pwani University library. Journal of Business and change Management. 5(3), 935-951.
  • Wahome, M., Mberia, H. K, & Sikolia, G. (2017). The role of social interpersonal communication on abortion decision making: A review of literature. International Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice. 1(1), 1 – 13.
  • Sikolia, G. S., Mberia, H. K, & Bigambo, W. O. (2016). New media, old addictions: Explaining teenage engagement on social network sites in Nairobi, Kenya. International Communication Association (ICA) Africa Regional Conference, 19th – 21st October, 2016.
  • Sikolia, G. S., Bigambo, W. O, & Mberia, H. K. (2015). Understanding user motivations influencing choice of social network sites among high school teenagers in Kenya. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 20(9), 76 – 84.
  • Sikolia, G. S., Mberia, H. K., & Bigambo, W. O. (2015). ‘My social network, my choice’: User gratification factors influencing choice of online social network sites among teenagers. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. 5(3).
  • Sikolia, G. S. (2013). New media consumption in Kenya: An investigation of Internet gratifications among the youth. Proceedings of the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) Conference on Communication and Development 2013, 1st – 2nd August.
  • Sikolia, G. S. (2012). Technology as a tool for gratification: The role of New Media in user gratification. Paper presented during Kenya Methodist University (KeMU) Research Conference 2012, 25th – 27th April.
  • Sikolia, G. S. (2015). Factors influencing the choice of social network sites among high school teenagers in Nairobi, Kenya. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Juja, Kenya.
  • Sikolia, G. S. (2008). The role of Corporate Identity in Institutional Image building: A study of Daystar University’s internal publics. Unpublished master’s thesis, Daystar University, Nairobi, Kenya.

Areas of interest/specialization:

  • New Media; Social media,
  • Social Network Sites;
  • Development communication;
  • Risk communication,
  • Behavior change Communication and Mass Communication Theory.

Courses Teaching:

  • DCM 6120 - Digital Communication and Society
  • DCM 6140 - Online Corporate Branding
  • DCM 6160 - Effective Web Design and Strategy
  • MAC 6010 - Introduction to Graduate Studies
  • MAC 6851 - Research Project I
  • MAC 6852 - Research Project II
  • JRN 4033 - Advertising and Media Audiences
  • JRN 3006 - International Mass Media
  • JRN 3901 - Principles of Advertising
  • JRN 3911 - Principles of Public Relations
  • JRN 1106 - History and Theory of Public Relations
  • JRN 2223 - Theories of Mass Communication