Michelle Muthigani earns film editing nomination at Women in Film Awards (WIFA)

By Bernard O. Owuor

The Cinematic Department is thrilled to announce that Ms. Michelle Muthigani, a Senior majoring in Film Production & Directing, and the talented editor behind 'JABARI’, has been honored with a nomination for 'Best Film Editor' in the film category at the prestigious 2024 Women in Film Awards (WIFA). While Michelle shared editing duties with Ted Mureithi, also a Senior in Film Production & Directing, this year's nomination shines a spotlight on her exceptional contributions, in line with WIFA's mission to celebrate the achievements of women in the industry.

The Women in Film Awards, now in its fifth year, is dedicated to acknowledging the significant impacts women have made in the Kenyan film sector. As we celebrate this recognition, we invite the JABARI community and the entire USIU-Africa family to support Michelle in securing this accolade. Your votes are crucial in recognizing her remarkable talent and dedication. Voting is open from February 1-14, 2024. Let's rally together to make this award a reality for Michelle and our university.

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