Chair's Message Department of Journalism & Corporate Communication
Welcome to the Department of Journalism & Corporate Communication in the School of Communication, Cinematics and Creative Arts. Currently, we offer two-degree programs – BA Journalism (flagship program) and MA Communication Studies. Launched in 1999, BA Journalism provides students with specializations in print media, broadcast media (radio and television), and public relations. In MA Communication, students choose from three concentrations – strategic corporate communication, digital communication, and development communication. A new concentration in political communication will be launched in Spring 2019. Relatedly, we’re working on two new degree programs – BA Corporate Communication and MA Health Communication.
Currently, 70% of our faculty have doctorate degrees, while the remaining 30% are concluding their doctoral studies. The faculty have excelled in teaching responsibilities and honored with the Faculty of The Year Award. Their research has been published in acclaimed journals such as the prestigious Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. They also have presented research work at internationally recognized conferences like International Communication Association (ICA) and International Association for Media and Communication (IAMCR). Similarly, they have won competitive research grants from USAID and the US Embassy in Nairobi, among others. In community service, our faculty serve in various institutions and organizations – for example - Communication and Multimedia Appeals Tribunal.
We pride ourselves as providing learners with the state-of-the-art facilities for radio, television, print media, new media, and public relations productions. Our faculty-student ratio stands at 1:33, which encapsulates quality teaching and value for money. Our graduates are doing a stellar work as journalists, public relations executives, communication officers, advertising experts, filmmakers and directors, scholars, and researchers. Their excellent work has received accolades locally and internationally. For instance, John Allan Namu (Class of 2006) has won the prestigious CNN African Journalist of the Year Award of 2009. In 2015 and 2017, he won Kenya Journalist of the Year Award – organized by the Media Council of Kenya. Asha Mwilu (Class of 2011) clinched the Kenya Journalist of the Year and CNN Journalist of the Year in 2013 and 2016 respectively. In Public Relations, Joel Chacha (Class of 2011) has won several awards organized by Public Relations Society of Kenya – including Best Public Relations Campaign of the Year 2016.
Ag. Chair Department of Journalism & Corporate Communication
Assistant Professor of Corporate & Development Communication