Dr. Kaluyu Kaindi Veronicah

Email:vkaluyu@usiu.ac.ke | Telephone: +254 730 116 638


Dr. Veronicah Kaluyu is Creative and Innovative Assistant Professor in Strategic management driven by desire for quality and excellence in teaching and research. Maintains a bias in student mentorship and empowerment with research skills; Transforms learner environment into inspiring arena for creative minds in a multicultural setting. She also has wide experience drawn from years of quality assurance practice in Basic and higher education

Key skill highlights entail:

  • Research conceptualization and data analysis resulting in publications in local and international journals
  • Strategy crafting, development, implementation, Monitoring & evaluation leading to organizational development
  • Excellent skills in training and Motivation
  • Creative at problem – solving
  • Self-Motivated, proactive and takes initiative
  • Analytical skills culminating to M & E, and impact evaluation in projects

Academic Degrees;

Dr. Kaluyu holds a Doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Business Administration and Management-Strategic Management Major, Kenya Methodist University; Master of Education in Counselling of Egerton University, Kenya; Master of Business Administration of Jomo Kenyatta University and Bachelor of Education from Kenyatta University.


  • Veronica h Kaluyu, Mugambi M,chebere & Evergeline Gichunge : The moderating effect of quality assurance mechanisms on the relationship between strategic factors and sustainable competitive advantage: a Case of universities in Kenya –Prime Journal of Business Administration and ManagementISSN: 2251-1261. Volume 4, Issue 11, pp. 1686-1707 (2014)
  • Veronica h Kaluyu, Mugambi M,chebere & Evergeline Gichunge :The moderating effect of organizational culture on the relationship between strategic factors and sustainable competitive advantage: a case of universities in Kenya- International Journal of professional Practice ISSN 2218-7278 Volume 5, Issue 1 &2 pp.64 (2014)
  • Veronicah Kaluyu: Causes, Consequences and management of gender based violence among married couples; a case of kitui district Kenya – International journal for Social sciences. Egerton university repository:http://ir-library.egerton.ac.ke/jspui/handle/123456789/16/browse?type=author&order=ASC&rpp=20&value=Kaluyu%2C+Veronicah
  • Veronicah Kaluyu: Socio cultural factors affecting access and success of educated women in political leadership in Kenya, paper presented among peers in Ghana WLE conference and thereafter, publication-Planning and changing Journal (2015) Volume 46, Issue ¾
  • Veronicah Kaluyu, Hannah Wanjiku Wambugu & Evangeline Gichunge: Significance of Quality Assurance Mechanisms in University Strategic Management: An Advisory Model for University Managers in Kenya : European Journal of Business Management Vol 6, No 24 (2014)
  • Veronicah Kaluyu: Impact of level of proficiency in quality management IT skills on job performance among university Quality Assurance Officers in Kenya. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management United Kingdom Vol. III, Issue 2, Feb 2015 1 http://ijecm.co.uk/ ISSN 2348 0386
  • Veronicah & Pamela Ooko : The Relationship between Reading Dyslexia and Academic Performance of Upper Primary Pupils in Public Schools in Changamwe Sub-County, Kenya- International Journal of Social Science studies Vol 4, No 5 (2016)
  • Veronicah & Pamela Ooko: The Relationship between Writing Dyslexia and Academic Performance of Upper Primary Pupils in Public Schools in Changamwe Sub-County, Kenya -International Journal of Social Science studies Vol 4, No 10 (2016)
  • David Ndetu & Veronicah Kaluyu: Factors Influencing Fire Disaster Management Preparedness: A Case of Primary Schools in Makueni County, Kenya. European Journal of Education Studies Volume 2 Issue 6 (2016) ISSN: 2501 - 1111 Available on-line at: www.oapub.org/edu
  • Martha Oigo & Veronicah Kaluyu:Effect of Career Guidance on University Students’ Readiness to Make Career Choices: A Case of Selected Private University Students in Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 4 No. 7 (July, 2016)
  • Hannah wambugu, Raymond Musyoka & Veronicah Kaluyu: Effects of Shoppers’ Individual Characteristics, Price and Product Knowledge on Shoppers Purchase Behavior. European Journal of Business and Management Vol.6, No.24, (2014) www.iiste.org ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839
  • Veronicah Kaluyu & Richard Mokaya: Influence of principals’ instruction supervision practices on K.C.S.E performance in public secondary schools, Machakos Sub-County, Kenya Prime Research on Education (PRE) ISSN: 2251-1253. Vol. 5(4), 2016 Accepted 24th October, 2016
  • Veronicah Kaluyu: Status of Quality Supervision of Postgraduate Research and its influence on the Rate of Economic Growth: A case of Universities in Kenya, International Journal of Business Management and Administration Vol. 5(1), pp. 001-007, December 2016Available online at http://academeresearchjournals.org/journal/ijbmaISSN 2327-3100 ©2016 Academe Research Journals
  • Joash Mwandike Kirui & Veronica Kaluyu, Influence of Selected Psychosocial Factors on Learners’ Performance in Science Subjects: A Case of Public Secondary Schools in Moyale Sub-County, Kenya: International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 6 No. 1 January 2018


Strategic management Formulation, implementation and Evaluation of strategic plan process Global Issues in Strategic Management International strategic Management Project Management Research Methods in Business Human Resource Management Public relations, Industrial relations Integrated Marketing Communication Public population policy and sustainable development Public private Partnerships Research Methods in Education. Creative Thinking in Governance Management & Organizational Analysis Organizational Behavior Global Strategic Management Strategic Management Research Methods Organizational Psychology Human growth and Development Senior project Industrial Relations and Labor Laws Employee Relations International Business Environment International Business Management Quality Management Overview of management practice Introduction to Business Organizations Strategic Response to turbulent environment

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