Center for Executive Education

Executive Overview

USIU-Africa acknowledges the rising demand for professional growth and resources to support the EAC's changing landscape of business, government, NGOs, and nonprofits. Our programs go beyond individual disciplines, emphasizing integrated leadership, entrepreneurial skills, strategic thinking, and collaboration with diverse professionals.

At USIU-Africa Center for Executive Education, we embody the collaborative spirit leaders need. With an interdisciplinary approach, our Center works closely with our Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs and facilitates collaboration between our Schools, esteemed faculty, and external partners.

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The Spoken Arts & Debate Society hosts the 3rd leg of Nairobi Schools Open

By Lauryn Ojore
The USIU-Africa’s Spoken Arts & Debate Society (SADS), in collaboration with the African Debate Academy, once again brought together young minds from across the nation for the Nairobi Schools Open Tournament. Held on February 10 and 11, 2024, this event marked the third leg of a series aimed at nurturing the communication skills and leadership potential of high school students.

With over 1,000 participants representing various schools, the tournament served as a platform for students to showcase their talents in rhetoric, debate, public speaking, and critical thinking. What started as a modest initiative in 2023 has now evolved into a highly anticipated event, attracting students driven by a passion for effective communication and a desire to make a difference.

At the heart of SADS lies a simple yet profound motto: ‘Speak to Empower.’ The Nairobi Schools Open event thus is more than just a tournament; it's a testament of SADS unwavering commitment to nurturing the leaders of tomorrow. It's about empowering young minds to articulate their ideas, challenge the status quo, and effect real change in their communities. And nowhere is this commitment more evident than in the vibrant tapestry of activities that unfolded over those two exhilarating days.

Beyond mere competition, the tournament served as a catalyst for personal and intellectual growth. Participants immersed themselves in a diverse array of activities, there were the debates, public speaking engagements, and collaborative quizzes. Each challenge presented an opportunity for students to expand their horizons, sharpen their intellect, and build confidence in their abilities.

The success of the event would not have been possible without the outstanding work ethic of the SADS committee, their hard work and dedication were instrumental in making the event a great success. More Importantly, SADS extends gratitude to the university’s Club Coordinators Chris Ayuoyi and Jane Nyaga as well as the Head of Admissions Dr. George Lumbasi who provided invaluable support for the event.

As the club continues to grow and soar, exciting upcoming projects to wrap up the semester awaits such as the Ubuntu Opens 4th Edition to be held on February 24-25, and the East African Universities Debate Championship which will be held here at USIU-Africa in August 2024.

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