Center for Executive Education

Executive Overview

USIU-Africa acknowledges the rising demand for professional growth and resources to support the EAC's changing landscape of business, government, NGOs, and nonprofits. Our programs go beyond individual disciplines, emphasizing integrated leadership, entrepreneurial skills, strategic thinking, and collaboration with diverse professionals.

At USIU-Africa Center for Executive Education, we embody the collaborative spirit leaders need. With an interdisciplinary approach, our Center works closely with our Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs and facilitates collaboration between our Schools, esteemed faculty, and external partners.

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Merk-Pento Leadership Scholarship

We are establishing this scholarship to support a student in need of financial aid who has shown leadership potential through their actions. The first recipient, Roy Tanga, has impressed us with his tenacity and motivation to promote sound fiscal policy in Kenya. Among other accomplishments, he has spoken at the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Budget at the Parliament of the Republic of Kenya. We have known Roy for several years and have admired his determination in pursuing his goals. He recently started a podcast called “Podcast Geopolitica."

Coming from a family of very modest financial means, Roy recognized the need for a formal higher education to transform his passion into a career. This is where you can help. Your support for Roy represents an investment in the stability and prosperity of an emerging market. Roy is currently working towards his Bachelor of Science in Applied Computer Technology at USIU-Africa in Nairobi.

Please join us in donating to the Merk-Pento Leadership Scholarship. Your donation to the Merk-Pento Leadership Scholarship will go to the US-registered 501(c)3 charitable organization of USIU-Africa and is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

We will match the first $1,000 in donations. You don't have to donate $1,000 or even hundreds; any amount is greatly appreciated. Click here to donate.

Thank you for your support of this transformative journey in the life of Roy and many other like him.

Axel Merk, Merk Investments LLC
Michael Pento, Pento Portfolio Strategies

Contact us to learn more about Executive and Professional Studies

+254-730-116-113 / 290 / 291   |