Center for Executive Education

Executive Overview

USIU-Africa acknowledges the rising demand for professional growth and resources to support the EAC's changing landscape of business, government, NGOs, and nonprofits. Our programs go beyond individual disciplines, emphasizing integrated leadership, entrepreneurial skills, strategic thinking, and collaboration with diverse professionals.

At USIU-Africa Center for Executive Education, we embody the collaborative spirit leaders need. With an interdisciplinary approach, our Center works closely with our Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs and facilitates collaboration between our Schools, esteemed faculty, and external partners.

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Counseling Center Open Week

The Counseling Center Open Week is here where you get to interact with the staff, plus engage in educative, eye-opening and fun activities. Find us at the Parking Lot B (area next to the bus park) this Wednesday and Thursday February 9 & 10 2022, from 9am to 5.00pm.

Expect, among other activities, Art Therapy, numerous personality tests, relationship tests and mental health tests; Valentine’s special tool kit which includes love attitude tests and couple’s fun games. On the list is also very interesting stress relief exercises including deep breathing and relaxation, punching bags, anti-stress balls and art. You will also play games, fix puZZles and engage in fun and laughter. VCT demos and sexuality talks are part of the activities.

Finally, you will have the opportunity to meet the counselors outdoor and engage them, ask them questions and interact with other members of the USIU-Africa community and what more? Just come!

You cannot afford to miss!

Contact us to learn more about Executive and Professional Studies

+254-730-116-113 / 290 / 291   |