Students elect new set of leaders
By Ernest A. Mwanzi and Vivian Lisper
Every spring semester the University’s Electoral Commission conducts elections to usher in a new set of leaders of student organizations and government between the fifth and twelfth week of the semester.
This year’s Commission was led by Faculty Council Chair Dr. Naom Nyarigoti, and included Staff Council Secretary Ms. Faith Mugambi, three student commissioners (International Relations Sophomore Vivian Lispa Kiberenge, Psychology Junior Samuel Maina and International Relations Sophomore Hannah Wasidiwa) who together they planned, conducted and oversaw the elections.
The vigorous exercise that is the electioneering period started right after the Annual General Assembly which was held on February 14, when aspirants for both the Electoral College and the Student Council picked then presented their nomination papers to the Electoral Commission within a period of one week.
Following vetting of the nomination forms, eligible candidates with the approval of DVC – Academic and Student Affairs Amb. Prof. Ruthie Rono, conducted campaigns and sold their agenda to fellow students for another one week. Electoral College aspirants were then required to present and defend their manifestos in a debate-style town hall meeting at the auditorium prior to Election Day.
This year’s election had a total voter turnout of 1333 students who voted electronically over a two day period, from among 29 student aspirants for the Electoral College representing the five schools. The Electoral Commission announced the newly-elected Electoral College representatives, who were then sworn in on March 12at the auditorium by the Director - Legal Services/Company Secretary Ms. Helen Ambasa in the presence of senior university officials, and their fellow students.
Afterwards, the Electoral College proceeded to elect members of the Student Council as required by the constitution, following another debate-style town hall presentation of manifestos. The council is set to be sworn in the first week of Summer 2019 semester.
The table below pesents the newly-elected members of the Electoral College and Student Council.
To view the list of elected student leaders please click here