The Department of the University Registrar serves as the central support unit providing information and services to all facets of the University community as well as to the public and authorized government institutions, to provide official certification from academic records, and to safeguard and maintain students’ permanent records.
Services offered: Visit the Registrar’s office to:
Schools and Centers:
Chandaria School of Business (CSOB) Phone: +254-730-116414 /418 Email: | School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) Phone: +254-730-116433 /226 Email:
| School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (SPHS) Phone: +254-730-116733 /729 Email: |
School of Communication, Cinematic and Creative Arts (SCCCA) Phone: +254-730-116733 /703 Email: | School of Science and Technology (SST) Phone: +254-730-116733 /729 Email: | School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Phone: +254-730-116442 Email: |
Programs on offer:
** - Programs that are on Teach-Out and will not be admitting new students.
"Empowering executives and professionals with the cutting-edge knowledge and resources necessary to fuel economic growth, sustainability, poverty alleviation, and job creation in the region is of paramount importance to us. We are thrilled to provide the tools and expertise they need to succeed." ~ Prof. Margee Ensign, Vice Chancellor, USIU-Africa
USIU-Africa recognizes the growing demand for professional development, expertise, and resources to support the EAC’s rapidly evolving business, government, and nonprofit landscape. Our programmes encompass more than just a mere assortment of functional disciplines. Successful leaders must possess an integrative leadership approach, entrepreneurial acumen, the capacity to contemplate and execute strategic plans, and the skill to collaborate with individuals from diverse professional and personal backgrounds.Our programmes stand out because we prioritize the amalgamation of personal, professional, and organizational development; a central theme is woven throughout our program design and implementation.
At USIU-Africa Center For Executive Education, we model what leaders need most; cross-disciplinary collaboration. We exemplify an interdisciplinary approach as our Center reports directly to our Deputy Vice Chancellor. This organizational structure provides collaborative opportunities between our Schools and our expert faculty.
"Witnessing the fusion of imagination and originality sparked by the convergence of faculty, industry influencers, and global trailblazers is truly exhilarating. Our distinctive programs harness the strength of diverse viewpoints, enabling us to blaze a trail in integrative programming amidst today’s rapid digital transformation, global business expansion, and resource capacity building. As a university, we take pride in exemplifying genuine, authentic collaboration.“ ~ Prof. Munyae Mulinge, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic & Student Affairs, USIU-Africa
Key Objectives and Benefits
Tailored solutions for organizational success
Our tailored solutions for organizational success cater to organizations’ unique needs and optimal learning preferences, ensuring successful outcomes. We feature customized approaches to meet and address your organization’s strategic learning and growth objectives. With our outstanding faculty, unwavering credibility, and valuable partnerships, USIU-Africa is well positioned to drive organizational transformation. Contact us now to schedule a consultation appointment, and let us design the ideal program for you.
"Our success. We emphasize tangible tools you can readily incorporate into your organization following each session. Genuine leaders possess the ability to envision the outcome and make it a reality; we equip you with an extra tool to unlock your full potential. Our learning environment cultivates a community of outstanding educators, innovators, and individuals who share a common goal of a reimagined future.” ~ Dr. Jean Meeks-Koch, Former Interim Executive Director, CEE
Family-owned Business Programmes
"Transforming & evolving the narrative of Africa’s Family-Owned Business Enterprises and the socio-economic landscapes they impact.”
Family-Owned Businesses are important to the region’s economic landscape, comprising a staggering 76% of all companies in the EAC and employing over 78% of the workforce. Unfortunately, less than 16% of these businesses have a solid succession plan or strong family and business governance, which is why our commitment to their success is unwavering.
USIU-Africa’s executive education programmes will equip these family businesses with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive in today’s global marketplace.
USIU-Africa provides four unique programmes necessary to educate family businesses on setting up governance models for growth and sustainability and provide non-family businesses and advisors on how to partner successfully with family businesses.
"We acknowledge that life can often present us with demanding circumstances, making prioritizing personal growth and education difficult. Rest assured that I am wholeheartedly devoted to providing a top-tier concierge service and aiding you in realizing your aspirations. “ Dr. Uvyu Mbole, Executive Manager, CEE
Our offerings include:
Chair's Message
General Education Signature Courses are courses that distinguish USIU-Africa students from other university students in the world. The courses prepare our students for college life as well as transition from college to the world. These courses intersect with the University’s overall mission by providing students with grounding in higher order thinking, literacy, development of global understanding and multicultural perspective. The courses are for all USIU-Africa undergraduate students. General Education signature courses include:
Strategies for University Success assists students to make the necessary transition from high school and/or the work environment to the university environment. This course is based on the concept of an orientation seminar for college/university students. It communicates the high academic expectations USIU-Africa has for students and helps them recognize and take advantage of the various university resources that enhance their academic lives as they integrate into university life. It helps students develop, among other things, a clearer understanding of the USIU-Africa culture, mission and vision of the university. It involves critical-thinking-based approaches and clarifies expectations regarding the appropriate approaches to achieving at university but also in life after university.
Strategies for University Success provide a special space for first-year students to examine their values, beliefs, and attitudes. The emphasis of this course is: taking charge of self, degree requirements, class matters and good study habits, relationships, time and money management, healthy living including diet and exercise as well as drugs and substance abuse, resources available to the student, students’ rights and responsibilities. It exposes students to career planning, development of analytical, critical, and creative thinking skills and reading and communication skills. Case studies help students understand their role in society and the meaning of a university education.
The Fundamentals of Information Literacy course introduce learners to basic concepts and skills of information literacy. Its aim is to help students become lifelong learners and enable them fully participate in the information society. The course strives to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education that stimulates lifelong learning opportunities for the learners. Specifically, learners are introduced to the concepts and components of Information Literacy. They are taught how to evaluate and locate information required to address information needs using appropriate search strategies and techniques. They also learn to explain the value of information and how it is organized, stored, disseminated and how to evaluate the quality and relevance of information sources. Lastly, students learn to apply various ethical and legal principles in their use of information.
The General Research Methods course introduces students to basic concepts and principles of social research. It teaches them the meaning, purpose and characteristics of social research; the major ethical issues governing social research; the research process, including the identification of a research problem, literature search and review, study population and sample selection and the methods of data collection
Community service entails the performance of voluntary activities that benefit a selected community without expectations of payments for time spent. Community service provides students with opprtunites to serve others and develop a sense of responsibility to the larger community. The course aims to offer needed service to communities for the mutual benefit of all parties involved, and to encourage personal involvement, community and personal awareness and responsible leadership. It helps students discover the universal aspects of human nature. It provides opportunities for students to reflect critically on their lived experiences. It sensitizes students to various social problems affecting our society and challenges them to critically appraise them using relevant tools and models with the view to providing viable solutions or alternatives.
Lastly, the Senior Integrated Seminar focuses on the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge and preparation for a career. This course is an interdisciplinary capstone seminar designed to give students significant insights into important career and life issues that influence their success in life after college. It prepares graduating seniors for the real world outside college by enabling them to draw from a totality of their undergraduate disciplinary and extracurricular learning. It assists the senior students in making connections between disciplines, major, minor, and General Education courses and focuses on the global understanding and multicultural perspectives mission outcome of the USIU-Africa. It deepens the students’ ability to make connections between the diverse academic subjects they have pursued at the University, thus enhancing their appreciation of the nature of knowledge. It helps the students to take stock of their training at the University and to use that experience outside the classroom (i.e., in the ‘real world’) for their own benefit and that of the society at large. It enables the students to express themselves constructively, in both oral and written forms and prepares the student for a career and/or further/continuing education.
To be a center of excellence in the enhancement of quality assurance practices in higher education.
The mission of the Quality Assurance department is to initiate, enhance and support Educational Effective processes in the university in order to ensure quality programs and thus quality graduates.
This mission is achieved through the following objectives:
Director, Quality Assurance
Dr. Peter Kigwilu
+254 730 116 432
Quality Assurance Officer-Program Assessment and Review
John Kabuu
+254 730 116 780