Understanding the roles played by individuals through mobile phones in influencing behavior to adopt m-commerce in Kenya Road Safety Enhancement in Kenya Using GSM/GPE-money for Enhancing MDG’s at the Bottom of the Pyramid: A Case Study for M-Banking in KenyaKendall, J, Maurer B., Machoka P., and Veniard C. (2011). “An Emerging Platform: From Money Transfer System to Mobile Money Ecosystem.” Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization 6, no. 4: 49–65.
Wambalaba, F., Wambalaba, A. and Machoka, P. (2009), M-transactions for Enhancing MDGs at the Bottom of the Pyramid: A Case Study for M-banking in Kenya (2010)
The SAICSIT conference, Cape Town, South Africa, (October 2011)
IMTFI conference, Irvine, California – Presented a paper on E-Money for Enhancing MDG’s at the Bottom of the Pyramid: A Case Study for M-Banking in Kenya (November 2010)