Message from the Interim Vice Chancellor

I am very pleased to welcome you to United States International University -Africa, one of the oldest private universities in East Africa. I hope you will find this catalogue informative and user-friendly.

The USIU-Africa experience is unparalleled in East Africa and indeed the entire continent. Undergraduate programs offer a broad base of knowledge through general education courses which provide a foundation for more specialized degree courses in business, psychology, international relations, science and technology.

Our faculty bring more than their cumulative knowledge and experience – extensive as it is – to their classrooms and lecture halls. They model the values and character that are needed in this modern, multi-cultural, dynamic world.

USIU-Africa co-curricular activities add to student learning. Our interest groups and student clubs continually explore the real-world application of theoretical knowledge, including forming successful networks with professional bodies and industry leaders, thereby allowing students and faculty to enrich their experiences and relationships.

As a matter of fact several sporting disciplines have successfully dominated the sporting leagues they participate in and demonstrated an all-round learning experience.

Both faculty and students can expect and indeed receive every level of support available from highly qualified administrators.

We have built the facilities to deliver this knowledge in a way the 21st century student can understand. Classrooms are equipped with multimedia and internet connectivity to ensure the seamless conversation with learning that our students expect and carry with them for the rest of their lives.

USIU-Africa is more than the facilities and the community who use them. It is the idea that people of all backgrounds can learn together and from each other, and together build a society that can impact the world.

For those of you new to USIU-Africa, I wish to congratulate you. You have joined a community of like-minded individuals on a similar quest of knowledge – knowledge that will impact you, your environment and your society.

For those of you who are parents, I can assure you that we will assist your children on their life journey with utmost seriousness and will deliver on the promise USIU-Africa makes to you and your children: to provide an education that can take them places.

For well-wishers, prospective students, faculty and staff, I hope this catalogue will assist you in exploring and discovering the avenues of knowledge available to you, and look forward to welcoming you to USIU-Africa.