Dr. Francis Wambalaba

Professor of Economics


Dr. Francis Wambalaba is a Professor of Economics in the Chandaria School of Business. Previously Associate Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research (head of Academic Research 10 years); Accreditation Liaison Officer (led to Kenya reaccreditation and 8 year reaccreditation in USA), incubated the Quality Assurance Office, and led General Education assessment and review, and 2020 Strategic Plan.

CUTR: Senior Research Associate, Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida. Headed Transportation Demand Management (TDM) research teams, the Florida TDM Certificate Program, and the national TDM Clearinghouse.

Tri-Met: Senior Transportation Planner with Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (USA) where he worked for 11 years. Serving on regional Technical Advisory Committee, and managed Transportation Management Associations, Park & Ride Programs, and Special Services including chairing the committee initiating The Portland Aerial Tramway.

PSU: Taught at Portland State University (1985 to 2001), was among 25 pioneering faculty who transformed General Education into University Studies Program, and returned as an International Visiting Professor (2011 and 2012).

Others: Taught at Portland Community College and Marylhurst University, Oregon and Clark College, Washington.

Service: Elected national board member, Association for Commuter Transportation (USA); Kenya Commission for University Education, program and institution accreditation resource person expert; and Research Panel Chair, Retirement Benefits Authority.

Academic Degrees;

PhD in Urban Studies – Regional Science/Spatial Analysis (1993); Masters in Urban Studies – Regional Science/Spatial Analysis (1987); Masters in Economics (1985); Certificate in International Business Studies (1985); Bachelors of Science in Economics (1983); and Bachelor of Business Administration (1983). Certified Planner with American Institute of Certified Planners, Certificate in Transit Operations Management from MIT and PPP Certificate from Institute for Public-Private Partnership (IP3) in Washington DC.


Journal Articles;

  • 2018: Ngugi, Njuguna and Wambalaba, Influence of Pension Scheme Maturity on Investment Strategies of Pension Funds in Kenya, International Journal of Business and Management Vol 13, No. 10, 2018.
  • 2017: Mwadi Kakoma Chakulya; Francis Wambalaba; Barbara W. Son, Lessons from the Healthcare Funding Challenges at Konkola Copper Mines in Zambia. Business Forum. VOL. 27, ISSUE 1
  • 2013 Muniafu 1, Wambalaba, Nduati, Wanyama, and Ndirangu, “Using OER as a Tool for Agribusiness Management Training for Hard to Reach Rural Farmer Populations” Journal Of Asynchronous Learning Networks JALN,
  • 2012: Wambalaba, Wambalaba, Machoka and Afundi, International Journal of Computing and ICT Research; E-Money for Enhanced MDGs at the Bottom of the: A Case Study of MPESA Agents in Kenya. Vol. 6 Issue 1, pp 11-23.
  • 2010: Kaol, and Wambalaba, Emerald Publishing, A Case study on: “Homegrown Kenya: The Horticultural Industry Under Fire on CSR.”
  • 2009: Wambalaba and Wambalaba, Journal of Language, Technology and Entrepreneurship in Africa, “Conceptualizing Structures for Urban Tourism in Kenya: A Strategy for Enhancing Entrepreneurship”.
  • 2008: Son, and Wambalaba, DeVry Online. Volume 2008, Number 1 publication. “How to transform dull economics into fun economics in cyber classrooms: Best Strategies” (also in G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2008 (pp. 1267-1269). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
  • 2008: Wambalaba, Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, Conference CD Publication, “Introducing General Education for Undergraduate Studies in East African Universities”.
  • 2007: Wambalaba and Wambalaba, European Case Study Clearing House, “Nation Television: A New Beginning or Simply Aging Wine”.
  • 2006: Kaol, and Wambalaba, European Case Study Clearing House, Homegrown: The Hortcultural Industry under Fire in Kenya
  • 2006: The Global Compact, Conference Compendium Publication, “Is Corporate Citizenship Making a Difference in Horticultural Industry in Kenya?
  • 2005: Sisinio, Winters and Wambalaba, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, “Fare Pricing Elasticity, Subsidies, and Demand for Vanpool Services”, Published (also published on line in 2006).
  • 1983 Wambalaba, F.W., Beautiful Earth, American Poetry Anthology, Vol. II, Number 3-4.


  • 2013 Wambalaba, F.W., Public Policy and Enterprise Development in Kenya, USIU Publishing.
  • 1999 Wambalaba, F.W., Dimensions of African Development Strategies, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 213 pp.
  • 1996 Wambalaba, F.W., Economic Development: Issues and Strategies, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 200 pp.

Book Chapters;

  • 2017 Wachana, and Wambalaba, Energy, Transport and Associated Infrastructure Baseline for E. Africa. In Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation Assessment in East Africa Region.
  • 2017 Brent Smith Strategies and Effectiveness of Experiential and Service Learning towards Mission Achievement (Wambalaba, Katuse, Namada)
  • 2017 Brent Smith International Education, Diversity Exposure and Cross Cultural Engagements (Namada, Wambalaba, Katuse)
  • 2017 Brent Smith Integration of Mission into Assessment and Assurance of Learning Programs (Katuse, Namada, Wambalaba)
  • 1999 Agorsah H., Freedom Through Economic Integration”, chapter in Agorsah, K, 1999.

Teaching and Research;

The Teaching Agenda:

Doctoral Courses: Research Methods

Masters Courses: Research Methods; Managerial Economics; International Economics; International Perspectives on Transportation; Transportation Planning.

Undergraduate Courses: Economic Development; International Business; International Perspectives on Transportation; Principles of Macroeconomics; Principles of Macroeconomics; Survey of Transportation

The Research Agenda:

My short term research interests (current 5 years) include the following areas:

a) Development Strategies: SDGs, PPPs, Financial Inclusion & Agribusiness Entrepreneurship.

b) Urban Development: Urban Transport Systems, Urban Agribusiness and Regional Corridor Studies.

c) International Development: International Development Issues & Transnational Enterprise Strategies.

d) Teaching & Learning: Business Case Studies and Scholarship on Learning.

Grant Funded Research Projects:

  1. International Development Research Center & Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (2018): An IDRC/ACIAR Cultivate Africa (CultiAf) Phase 2 action research on “Expanding Opportunities for Youth in the Fish and Poultry Sector in Kenya (CAD $742,000).
  2. United States International University (2018): Assessing the Effectiveness of the Metro Agri-Food LivingLab and Information Technology Applications for Entrepreneurship Development among the Youth in Select East African Countries (KES 999,000)
  3. United States International University (2018): Social Enterprise Development for the Low Income Urban Households towards Urban Livability and Safe AgriFood Supply in Cities:A PPP Approach for Sustainable Urban Agriculture (KES 499,900).
  4. NWO and CCAFS (2017): Invited to Partner in VHL Grant….East Africa Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions for Dairy Development (€ 503,002).
  5. Water Services Research Fund (2016): Contracted by WSRF to assess innovation projects in areas of; Irrigation; Water Services; and Water Waste Management (KES 250,000).
  6. United States International University (2016): Transportation Demand Management and Public Participative Process: Thika Highway (KES 400,000).
  7. Kenya Community Development Foundation (2016): Contracted by KCDF to evaluate their Mid Term achievements of thir 2014-2018 Strategic Plan ($1,500)
  8. International Development Research Center & Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (2015): An IDRC/ACIAR Cultivate Africa (CultiAf) action research on “Expanding Opportunities for Youth in the Fish and Poultry Sector in Kenya (KES 33 million).
  9. CAMCO (2015): Contracted in consortium of 32 scientists from the 5 Lake Region countries to assess Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation in the Lake Victoria Basin ($5,000).
  10. TechnoServ (2015): Scaling up the Agent Network Model for Agribusiness Development Program / Kenya Market Assistance Program (US$ 4,734.48)
  11. Africa Cancer Foundation (2013), A nationwide survey to capture prevalence and capacity of cancer diagnostics and treatment in Kenya ($8,000)
  12. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2012), Agribusiness Modules Enhancement and Capacity Building for Entrepreneurs, 2nd funding for implementing program sustainability measures ($300,000).
  13. GIZ (2011) Evaluation of the PPP between AAR and The GIZ Kenya Health Sector Program to Support Care of Gender Based Violence Survivors ($14,000)
  14. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2010), Agribusiness Modules development and Capacity Building for Entrepreneurs ($500,000).
  15. Michigan State University (2010) Case Studies and Capacity Building in Agro-business for Farmer Organizations ($55,000).
  16. United states International University (2010) M-Banking concept of agent perceptions and implications to bottom of the pyramid populations (KES. 400,000)
  17. UC Irvine Project (2009/10) Work on M-Banking Concept using the M-Pesa Case as strategy for enhancing Millennium Development Goals ($15,000).
  18. CHE Project (2008/09): Working on a CHE (Commission for Higher education) funded research project on Millennium Development Goals in Sikulu Village, Bungoma District (KES. 3,000,000).
  19. ICBE Project (2007/08): Working on an ICBE (Investment Climate and Business Environment) funded research project on Public-Private Partnerships in the City of Nairobi ($50,000).
  20. GBSN Project (2006/07): A Case Study Project with Global Business Schools Network, an IFC funded research project writing a case on Nation Media Company ($4,000).
  21. GBSN Project (2005/06): A Case Study Project with Global Business Schools Network, an IFC funded project writing a case on Horticulture - Homegrown Company ($1,500).
  22. NEPAD Project (2005/06): Completed a NEPAD research project, i.e., generated status report on energy, ports, railways, roads & ICT infrastructure projects in Eastern Africa (KES 200,000). Grant Funded Research Projects in USA (2001-2004 = $988,001).
  23. Florida Department of Transportation (2003/04): TDM Clearinghouse, TDM Training and Urban Transportation, Elasticity of Rideshare ($440,982):
  24. Florida Department of Transportation: (2002/03): TDM Clearinghouse .and Research Synthesis on Relationships between P&R Managers and Mobility Managers. ($197,716).
  25. Florida Department of Transportation (2001/02): TDM Clearinghouse. ($184,303)
  26. Florida Department of Transportation (2000/01): TDM Clearinghouse ($165,000).
  27. Portland State University (1994/9)7: Refugee Center Training Capstone, Center for Academic Excellence.


Portland Aerial Tram: https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/video/following-the-portland-aerial-tram-stock-video-footage/865546106.