Alumni Profile: Sylvia Bosire, Chief Operating Officer, BlipEarth
By the Alumni Relations Office
SSylvia Bosire is the COO (Chief Operating Officer) of BlipEarth - a social media start-up company based in Texas, which shows you what is trending around you. She graduated from USIU-Africa in 2005 with a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems and Technology. She further did her Masters in Information Systems from Kennesaw State University in Georgia. She has worked in the IT industry for more than 15 years and founded BlipEarth in 2021 together with other partners.
Blipearth is a social media platform that is designed to show the user what is currently trending in a city that they are in or in an area that they are going to. By allowing users to see what is trending, they can then choose to go to an event or location. Many people find themselves in new locations and it’s a challenge to find something fun to do in a new city or town - Blipearth is now solving that problem by showing you what is trending around you.
The application also allows users to add content (Blips) and share with their followers and friends. It allows the user to search by mile/kilometer and see what is trending around their area. If the event is trending, it shows up on a map for the user to see, so he or she can decide whether to attend or like the event. The application has options such as “follow” and “like” which allow users to discover new locations.
BlipEarth can be downloaded from play store (Android) or app store (iPhone). The user needs to register and login to interact with the application. Users can login with Facebook, Google or via email. BlipEarth recently partnered with USIU-Africa as the main sponsor of the School of Science and Technology Innovation and Hackathon event. This event brought together students from various universities in Kenya to exchange ideas and compete for the most innovative idea.