Student Council holds by-election for the position of Treasurer
By Oscar Uwimana
Following the position of Treasurer in the Student Council falling vacant, the treasurer position in the student council, the Electoral Commission conducted an election to fill this position where a total of 5 candidates ran for the position. There was a debate scheduled to present manifestos and this was held and supervised by the Electoral Commission officials, with Uwimana Oscar being the moderator of the debate that was held on November 14, 2022.
The debate was a success and in presence were different Electoral College members and students and of course the candidates, Student Council members and the Electoral Commissioners. The election was held that same afternoon on Blackboard, with Patel Vraj Prakash emerged as the winner with 88.2% of the vote, accounting for 15 votes out of 17 voters.
The swearing in ceremony was held on the last Friday in TV room 1 at 11:00am in presence of the Electoral Commissioners, the Dean of Students Mr. Ronald Kimani, the Senior Clubs Coordinator Mr. Chris Ayuoyi, and the Director, Legal Services, Ms. Helen Ombima. In her remarks, Ms. Ombima encouraged the newly elected treasurer to stay committed and serve the Student Council in the best possible way and not give up or resign along the way. Her remarks were reiterated by the Dean of Students, Mr. Kimani, who encouraged the new treasurer to serve to the best of his ability and not use the office for personal gain.