PACS formally launches Alumni Mentorship Program

The Placement and Careers Services (PACS) Department recently launched the Alumni Mentorship Program. The program brings together notable Alumni from various programs to mentor current students in areas related to personal and career development for 6 months. In this cohort, 20 Alumni mentors and 24 students were trained and matched.

Cecilia Waihenya, PACS Head of Department, thanked the alumni mentors for giving back to their alma mater in such an impactful manner and encouraged the students to utilize the opportunity to learn from their mentors and implement their advice. She also shared the achievements of previous alumni mentorship cohorts and praised the returning mentors who will also be mentoring students in this cohort.

Michael Kisilu, Principal Alumni Relations Officer, encouraged students to be intentional about the mentorship program and thanked all the alumni mentors for their time and commitment to give back to the university. Michael Mbuthia, Secretary of the USIU-Africa Alumni Association, was also present during the program's launch.

Dr. Edgar Githua, the PACS Mentorship Programs Lead, commended the Alumni mentors for their dedication to the program by mentoring the students even when they are out of the country. He urged them to expose students to opportunities and advised the students to make the most of this opportunity and expect to be challenged into building the life and career they desire.

In line with supporting students and alumni in their career development journey, the Placement & Career Services department runs several mentorship programs, including the Alumni mentorship program, Corporate 1-on-1 Mentorship Program, and Corporate Roundtable Mentorship program. To get involved in any of these mentorship programs as a mentor, mentee, or corporate partner, please contact the PACS team at

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