The Department of Development launches the Annual Month of Giving Campaign
By the Development Office
The Department of Development (Fundraising) launched the 2022 Annual Month of Giving Campaign scheduled from May 30 - June 30, 2022. This campaign themed ‘Looking Forward, Giving Back’ is an opportunity to rally the university community and its stakeholders to give in causes of their choice as maybe aligned to the 2021 - 2026 USIU-Africa Strategic Plan which has five goals of: Excellence in Teaching and Learning; Distinction in Research and Scholarship; Competitiveness in creative works; Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Excellence in Service and Community Engagement and Organizational Excellence.
Through this initiative, the Office hopes to:
- Raise Kes 6 Million towards scholarship, student mobility, capacity building of staff & faculty and research programs. You also have an opportunity to create a cause of your choice;
- Grow the number of givers by 3,000;
- Continue to inculcate a culture of giving which speaks to one of the university core values of social responsibility.
Some of the causes you can give to include but not limited to:
- Educate Your Own Fund (EYO) – Student-led initiative, supporting continuing students facing financial constraints;
- Research Fund - An investment that will enhance and entrench research and innovation in providing solutions to African realities;
- Alumni Fund - An investment that will enable prospective students access quality education at USIU-Africa;
- Student Endowment Fund (New) - A student-led investment that will support various causes that impact on the students including scholarships, student exchange, research and mobility amongst others;
- Freida Brown Scholarship - An investment that will provide scholarships to Africa's 500 most talented young men and women to study STEM disciplines.
As an important university stakeholder, we invite you to participate in our Annual Month Giving Campaign and seek your partnership and that of your friends/network through:
1. Personal giving/donation
You can make your donation through:
a) MPESA Paybill (Business no: 516900, Account no: AMG2022) or
b) Giving through payroll (For employees only)
c) Debit Accounts (For students only)
d) Make a pledge here
2. Sharing about the campaign within your network/circle through Facebook, Instagram, email, WhatsApp and text.
3. Any other support that may be accorded.
For inquiries, kindly email:
Or call +254 730 116 /326 /440 /205.