Upcoming Events & Activities



Event Title Event Type Date Person in charge Description Audience
Monthly Webinars/workshops I Workshop 10/5/2022 Everlyn Musa As part of Coaching 2 and arising out of the experiences and lessons from the specialized coaching, the focus is to strengthen the Community of Practice among all the Champions of the three cohorts. A form has been circulated for Champions to select their three-top choice of topics. A quick review of the identified topics this far includes: ePortfolio Development, Teaching Large Classes, Online Assessments, Creating and Casting Video, Designing Courses for learners with Disabilities; Moodle, Quality Assurance in Online Education, Facilitating STEM Subjects Online, Tools for Critical Thinking, and QM standards for online course. We will tap into the current training team, and also reach out to Champions with expertise in specific areas to co-prepare and co-present sessions on topics based on their experiences to inspire and motivate them to develop their local Communities of Practice. Champions
E-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing Meeting 10/5/2022 Onesimus Otieno/Wanjira Kinuthia e-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing – Ashesi University Entire e-Learning Community
Institutional Scaling Webinar Series Webinar 10/11/2022 Mindy Gant

TBA Entire e-Learning Community
Tier 1 Meeting Meeting 10/12/2022 Mindy Gant Tier 1 meetings
Internal meeting between leads at the co-implementing partner institutions - MCF, USIU-A, ASU
Co-Implementing Partners (USIU-ASU)
Monthly Webinars/Workshops II Workshop 10/19/2022 Everlyn Musa Addressing other key areas of interest to the Champions. Facilitated by the training Team and other experts to strengthen the Community of Practice and start to build a strong Alumni cohort Champions


Event Title Event Type Date Person in charge Description Audience
Monthly Webinars/workshops I Workshop 9/7/2022 Everlyn Musa As part of Coaching 2 and arising out of the experiences and lessons from the specialized coaching, the focus is to strengthen the Community of Practice among all the Champions of the three cohorts. A form has been circulated for Champions to select their three-top choice of topics. A quick review of the identified topics this far includes: ePortfolio Development, Teaching Large Classes, Online Assessments, Creating and Casting Video, Designing Courses for learners with Disabilities; Moodle, Quality Assurance in Online Education, Facilitating STEM Subjects Online, Tools for Critical Thinking, and QM standards for online course. We will tap into the current training team, and also reach out to Champions with expertise in specific areas to co-prepare and co-present sessions on topics based on their experiences to inspire and motivate them to develop their local Communities of Practice. Champions
Institutional Scaling Webinar Series Webinar 9/13/2022 Mindy Gant TBA Entire e-Learning Community
Tier 1 Meeting Meeting 9/14/2022 Mindy Gant Tier 1 meetings
Internal meeting between leads at the co-implementing partner institutions - MCF, USIU-A, ASU
Co-Implementing Partners (USIU-ASU)
Monthly Webinars/Workshops II Workshop 9/21/2022 Everlyn Musa Addressing other key areas of interest to the Champions. Facilitated by the training Team and other experts to strengthen the Community of Practice and start to build a strong Alumni cohort Champions
E-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing Meeting 9/21/2022 Onesimus Otieno/Wanjira Kinuthia e-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing – University of Abomey-Calavi Entire e-Learning Community


Event Title Event Type Date Person in charge Description Audience
Monthly Webinars/workshops I Workshop 8/3/2022 Everlyn Musa As part of Coaching 2 and arising out of the experiences and lessons from the specialized coaching, the focus is to strengthen the Community of Practice among all the Champions of the three cohorts. A form has been circulated for Champions to select their three-top choice of topics. A quick review of the identified topics this far includes: ePortfolio Development, Teaching Large Classes, Online Assessments, Creating and Casting Video, Designing Courses for learners with Disabilities; Moodle, Quality Assurance in Online Education, Facilitating STEM Subjects Online, Tools for Critical Thinking, and QM standards for online course. We will tap into the current training team, and also reach out to Champions with expertise in specific areas to co-prepare and co-present sessions on topics based on their experiences to inspire and motivate them to develop their local Communities of Practice. Champions
E-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing Meeting 8/3/2022 Onesimus Otieno/Wanjira Kinuthia e-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing – Earth University Entire e-Learning Community
Institutional Scaling Webinar Series Webinar 8/9/2022 Mindy Gant TBA Entire e-Learning Community
Tier 1 Meeting Meeting 8/10/2022 Mindy Gant Tier 1 meetings
Internal meeting between leads at the co-implementing partner institutions - MCF, USIU-A, ASU
Co-Implementing Partners (USIU-ASU)
Monthly Webinars/Workshops II Workshop 8/17/2022 Everlyn Musa Addressing other key areas of interest to the Champions. Facilitated by the training Team and other experts to strengthen the Community of Practice and start to build a strong Alumni cohort Champions
E-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing Meeting 8/17/2022 Onesimus Otieno/Wanjira Kinuthia e-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing – AIMS Entire e-Learning Community
Public Lectures/Workshops Workshop 8/24/2022 Everlyn Musa Hold a general discussion on e-Learning as a topical issue around the globe. OR a Workshop to present on eLearning to the (entire and/or extended e-Learning Community). These will help to inform stakeholders and start to shape mindsets and build a Community of Practice (CoP) around eLearning. Possible areas of focus include; policy and development frameworks e.g. SDG4 and AUC Agenda 2063; putting students and parents at the core of learning; eLearning: a service to all. Use the public lectures to prepare the ground for the Stakeholders event. Entire e-Learning Community
E-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing Meeting 8/31/2022 Onesimus Otieno/Wanjira Kinuthia e-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing – University of Rwanda Entire e-Learning Community

JULY 2022

Event Title Event Type Date Person in charge Description Audience
Monthly Webinars/workshops I Workshop 7/6/2022 Everlyn Musa As part of Coaching 2 and arising out of the experiences and lessons from the specialized coaching, the focus is to strengthen the Community of Practice among all the Champions of the three cohorts. A form has been circulated for Champions to select their three-top choice of topics. A quick review of the identified topics this far includes: ePortfolio Development, Teaching Large Classes, Online Assessments, Creating and Casting Video, Designing Courses for learners with Disabilities; Moodle, Quality Assurance in Online Education, Facilitating STEM Subjects Online, Tools for Critical Thinking, and QM standards for online course. We will tap into the current training team, and also reach out to Champions with expertise in specific areas to co-prepare and co-present sessions on topics based on their experiences to inspire and motivate them to develop their local Communities of Practice. Champions
E-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing Meeting 7/6/2022 Onesimus Otieno/Wanjira Kinuthia e-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing – University of Gondar Entire e-Learning Community
Institutional Scaling Webinar Series Webinar 7/12/2022 Mindy Gant TBA Entire e-Learning Community
Tier 1 Meeting Meeting 7/13/2022 Mindy Gant Tier 1 meetings
Internal meeting between leads at the co-implementing partner institutions - MCF, USIU-A, ASU
Co-Implementing Partners (USIU-ASU)
Monthly Webinars/Workshops II Workshop 7/20/2022 Everlyn Musa Addressing other key areas of interest to the Champions. Facilitated by the training Team and other experts to strengthen the Community of Practice and start to build a strong Alumni cohort Champions
E-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing Meeting 7/20/2022 Onesimus Otieno/Wanjira Kinuthia e-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing – AUB Entire e-Learning Community

JUNE 2022

Event Title Event Type Date Person in charge Description Audience
Monthly Webinars/workshops I Workshop 6/1/2022 Everlyn Musa As part of Coaching 2 and arising out of the experiences and lessons from the specialized coaching, the focus is to strengthen the Community of Practice among all the Champions of the three cohorts. A form has been circulated for Champions to select their three-top choice of topics. A quick review of the identified topics this far includes: ePortfolio Development, Teaching Large Classes, Online Assessments, Creating and Casting Video, Designing Courses for learners with Disabilities; Moodle, Quality Assurance in Online Education, Facilitating STEM Subjects Online, Tools for Critical Thinking, and QM standards for online course. We will tap into the current training team, and also reach out to Champions with expertise in specific areas to co-prepare and co-present sessions on topics based on their experiences to inspire and motivate them to develop their local Communities of Practice. Champions
Tier 1 meeting Meeting 6/1/2022 Mindy Gant Tier 1 meetings
Internal meeting between leads at the co-implementing partner institutions - MCF, USIU-A, ASU

Co-Implementing Partners (USIU-ASU)
E-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing Meeting 6/1/2022 Onesimus Otieno/Wanjira Kinuthia e-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing – KNUST Entire e-Learning Community
Institutional Scaling Webinar Series Webinar 6/14/2022 Mindy Gant TBA Entire e-Learning Community
Monthly Webinars/Workshops II Workshop 6/15/2022 Everlyn Musa Addressing other key areas of interest to the Champions. Facilitated by the training Team and other experts to strengthen the Community of Practice and start to build a strong Alumni cohort Champions
E-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing Meeting 6/15/2022 Onesimus Otieno/Wanjira Kinuthia e-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing – Makerere University Entire e-Learning Community
Community of Practice events Meeting 6/22/2022 Everlyn Musa Bring the entire eLearning community together for further realignment to strengthen Community of Practice. Capture feedback and insights of Champions and Focals to help shape Phase 2 of the program. Share guidance and frameworks for leading change management. Champions

MAY 2022

Event Title Event Type Date Person in charge Description Audience
Monthly Webinars/workshops I Workshop 5/4/2022 Everlyn Musa As part of Coaching 2 and arising out of the experiences and lessons from the specialized coaching, the focus is to strengthen the Community of Practice among all the Champions of the three cohorts. A form has been circulated for Champions to select their three-top choice of topics. A quick review of the identified topics this far includes: ePortfolio Development, Teaching Large Classes, Online Assessments, Creating and Casting Video, Designing Courses for learners with Disabilities; Moodle, Quality Assurance in Online Education, Facilitating STEM Subjects Online, Tools for Critical Thinking, and QM standards for online course. We will tap into the current training team, and also reach out to Champions with expertise in specific areas to co-prepare and co-present sessions on topics based on their experiences to inspire and motivate them to develop their local Communities of Practice. Champions
Tier 3 Operations Workshop Workshop 5/5/2022 April Edwards 8-9 a.m. on Thursdays. Led by University Design Institute (UDI). Focal Points, Operational Leaders and others as invited and appropriate, all representing the 10 partner institutions. Focal Points (and/or FP invitees)
Institutional Scaling Webinar Series Webinar 5/10/2022 Mindy Gant TBA Entire e-Learning Community
Meeting Meeting 5/18/2022 Onesimus Otieno/Wanjira Kinuthia e-Learning Initiative Experience Sharing - USIU-Africa Entire e-Learning Community
Monthly Webinars/Workshops II Workshop 5/18/2022 Everlyn Musa Addressing other key areas of interest to the Champions. Facilitated by the training Team and other experts to strengthen the Community of Practice and start to build a strong Alumni cohort Champions
Tier 3 Learning Community Workshop 5/19/2022 April Edwards Led by University Design Institute (UDI). Focal Points, and others as invited and appropriate, all representing the 10 partner institutions. Focal Points (and/or FP invitees)

APRIL 2022

Event Title Event Type Date Person in charge Description Audience
Live webinars with Champions, Coaching - Group 4 Event Type Learning Activity (MC, Coaching, Certificate) 4/5/2022 Onesimus Otieno/Wanjira Kinuthia Live Coaching from February 14th to April 22nd 2022 each week on Wednesday and Thursdays. These are for group 4. Tuesdays (Virtual office) Champions
Monthly Webinars/workshops I Workshop 4/6/2022 Everlyn Musa As part of Coaching 2 and arising out of the experiences and lessons from the specialized coaching, the focus is to strengthen the Community of Practice among all the Champions of the three cohorts. A form has been circulated for Champions to select their three-top choice of topics. A quick review of the identified topics this far includes: ePortfolio Development, Teaching Large Classes, Online Assessments, Creating and Casting Video, Designing Courses for learners with Disabilities; Moodle, Quality Assurance in Online Education, Facilitating STEM Subjects Online, Tools for Critical Thinking, and QM standards for online course. We will tap into the current training team, and also reach out to Champions with expertise in specific areas to co-prepare and co-present sessions on topics based on their experiences to inspire and motivate them to develop their local Communities of Practice. Champions
Tier 3 Operations Workshop Workshop 4/7/2022 April Edwards 8-9 a.m. on Thursdays. Led by University Design Institute (UDI). Focal Points, Operational Leaders and others as invited and appropriate, all representing the 10 partner institutions. Focal Points (and/or FP invitees)
Institutional Scaling Webinar Series Webinar 4/12/2022 Mindy Gant TBA Entire e-Learning Community
Tier 1 Meeting Meeting 4/13/2022 Mindy Gant Tier 1 meetings Internal meeting between leads at the co-implementing partner institutions - MCF, USIU-A, ASU Co-Implementing Partners (USIU-ASU)
Monthly Webinars/Workshops II Workshop 4/20/2022 Everlyn Musa Addressing other key areas of interest to the Champions. Facilitated by the training Team and other experts to strengthen the Community of Practice and start to build a strong Alumni cohort Champions
Tier 3 Learning Community Workshop 4/21/2022 April Edwards Led by University Design Institute (UDI). Focal Points, and others as invited and appropriate, all representing the 10 partner institutions. Focal Points (and/or FP invitees)

MARCH 2022

Event Title Event Type Date Person in charge Description Audience
Live webinars with Champions, Coaching - Group 4 Event Type Learning Activity (MC, Coaching, Certificate) 3/1/2022 Onesimus Otieno/Wanjira Kinuthia Live Coaching from February 14th to April 22nd 2022 each week on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays. These are for group 4. Champions
Monthly Webinars/workshops I Workshop 3/2/2022 Everlyn Musa As part of Coaching 2 and arising out of the experiences and lessons from the specialized coaching, the focus is to strengthen the Community of Practice among all the Champions of the three cohorts. A form has been circulated for Champions to select their three-top choice of topics. A quick review of the identified topics this far includes: ePortfolio Development, Teaching Large Classes, Online Assessments, Creating and Casting Video, Designing Courses for learners with Disabilities; Moodle, Quality Assurance in Online Education, Facilitating STEM Subjects Online, Tools for Critical Thinking, and QM standards for online course. We will tap into the current training team, and also reach out to Champions with expertise in specific areas to co-prepare and co-present sessions on topics based on their experiences to inspire and motivate them to develop their local Communities of Practice. Champions
Stakeholder Engagement Workshop 3/3/2022 Everlyn Musa Actualizing e-Learning at your Institution 3:00 PM (EAT), 5:00 AM (Phoenix), 12PM (GMT) Entire e-Learning Community
Institutional Scaling Webinar Series Webinar 3/8/2022 Mindy Gant Description TBA Entire e-Learning Community
Tier 1 Meeting Meeting 3/9/2022 Mindy Gant Tier 1 meetings
Internal meeting between leads at the co-implementing partner institutions - MCF, USIU-A, ASU
Co-Implementing Partners (USIU-ASU)
Tier 3 Operations Workshop Workshop 3/10/2022 April Edwards 8-9 a.m. on Thursdays. Led by University Design Institute (UDI). Focal Points, Operational Leaders and others as invited and appropriate, all representing the 10 partner institutions. Focal Points (and/or FP invitees)
Monthly Webinars/Workshops III Workshop 3/16/2022 Everlyn Musa Addressing other key areas of interest to the Champions. Facilitated by the training Team and other experts to strengthen the Community of Practice and start to build a strong Alumni cohort Champions
Tier 3 Learning Community Workshop 3/24/2022 April Edwards Led by University Design Institute (UDI). Focal Points, and others as invited and appropriate, all representing the 10 partner institutions. Focal Points (and/or FP invitees)


Event Title Event Type Date Person in charge Description Audience
Institutional Scaling Webinar Series: Building team/personnel Webinar 2/8/2022 Mindy Gant What roles are needed to take programs online, role descriptions, candidate qualities, and ASU experiences. Example: Technologists - selecting and integrating tech tools, Instructional Design, Enrollment, Success Coaching, Video production -how to build out 5 pillars of successful online depts - why the roles should align to your structure Entire e-Learning Community
Tier 3 Operations Workshop Workshop 2/10/2022 April Edwards 8-9 a.m. on Thursdays. Led by University Design Institute (UDI). Focal Points, Operational Leaders and others as invited and appropriate, all representing the 10 partner institutions. Focal Points (and/or FP invitees)
Live webinars with Champions, Coaching - Group 4 Learning Activity (MC, Coaching, Certificate) 2/15/2022 Onesimus Otieno/Wanjira Kinuthia Live Coaching from February 14th to April 22nd 2022 each week on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays. These are for group 4. Champions
Monthly Webinars/Workshops II Workshop 2/16/2022 Onesimus Otieno/Wanjira Kinuthia Addressing other key areas of interest to the Champions. Facilitated by the training Team and other experts to strengthen the Community of Practice and start to build a strong Alumni cohort Champions
Live webinars with Champions, Coaching - Group 4 Learning Activity (MC, Coaching, Certificate) 2/17/2022 Onesimus Otieno/Wanjira Kinuthia Live Coaching from February 14th to April 22nd 2022 each week on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays. These are for group 4. Champions
Live webinars with Champions, Coaching - Group 4 Learning Activity (MC, Coaching, Certificate) 2/22/2022 Onesimus Otieno/Wanjira Kinuthia Live Coaching from February 14th to April 22nd 2022 each week on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays. These are for group 4. Champions
Live webinars with Champions, Coaching - Group 4 Learning Activity (MC, Coaching, Certificate) 2/23/2022 Onesimus Otieno/Wanjira Kinuthia Live Coaching from February 14th to April 22nd 2022 each week on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays. These are for group 4. Champions
Tier 3 Learning Community Workshop 2/24/2022 April Edwards Led by University Design Institute (UDI). Focal Points, and others as invited and appropriate, all representing the 10 partner institutions. Focal Points (and/or FP invitees)
Live webinars with Champions, Coaching - Group 4 Learning Activity (MC, Coaching, Certificate) 2/24/2022 Onesimus Otieno/Wanjira Kinuthia Live Coaching from February 14th to April 22nd 2022 each week on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays. These are for group 4. Champions

Please visit the University Calendar for other university-wide activities and events