Installment Payment Plan (3Pay Plan) Online Application

We are happy to announce the completion and implementation of the Online Installment Payment Plan Application process. This will eliminate the need for you to physically visit the Credit Control Office, to submit the Completed Installment Application Forms.

The application procedure for the Online Installment Payment Plan (3Pay Plan) is laid out below;

  • Visit the USIU-A Web Link - webapp/defer-payment/
  • Accept applicable Terms and Conditions
  • Provide your official Student details – Name and Student ID Number
  • Provide your Sponsor’s details (If Sponsored) or Employer details (If Self-sponsored)
  • Indicate your Installment Payment Plan Proposal (Maximum, 3 Installments Only per Semester)
  • Indicate if you are a beneficiary in any Financial Aid Program.
  • Attach copies of the Mandatory Documents required (Data Sheet, KRA Pin Certificate,
  • National ID/Passport, and Payslip/Bank or M-pesa Statement)
  • Then click on the Submit Button
  • The Applicant will receive an email notification on the Status of the Application
  • If the status received is “REVIEW” – You will be required to Re-submit the Application based on the additional information required as indicated on the “STATUS COMMENTS” Section.
  • If the application is “CLEARED” – You will receive an “APPROVED” status on your email

Please ensure:

  • You are Registered for the current Semester and have No Tuition Fee balances from the previous Semester
  • You have Deposited to our Bank or M-pesa Account, your 1st Payment Installment Amount before Submitting your Application
  • You are able to access your USIU-Africa Student email (… All communication in this regard will be done through your Student email address.

For further assistance or inquiries, please contact the Credit Control Office on: +254 730 116 538 or send an email to: