USIU-Africa holds a series of webinars surrounding COVID-19 crisis and its effect

By Diana Meso.

They say learning never stops, even with the COVID-19 crisis, USIU-Africa has continued with teaching and learning through organizing webinars to talk about and educate people on various matters surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

The university has held a series of webinars stemming from various departments and schools. The School of Graduate, Research and Extension has so far held over 3 webinars since March 30. The webinars focused on Technology Adoption by SMEs, SME’s Reaction to COVID-19 (First Aid Kit), Maintaining Customer connections in light of COVID-19 and an Open Forum Discussion on how SME’s are coping with COVID-19 pandemic.

On April 8, the university held a webinar on the Impact of COVID-19 on the Future Instructional and Business Models of University, which the Vice Chancellor Prof. Zeleza co-hosted with Prof. Mwenda Ntarangwi, Secretary and Chief Executive Officer, Commission of University Education.

Additionally, on April 21, the university in partnership with the Network of Impact Evaluation Researchers in Africa (NIERA) held a webinar focusing on how the COVID-19 crisis has affected workers in the informal sector, how the workers have responded, the support given to them to date, how the crisis is particularly impacting on women and the inventions that are urgently required to cushion the workers against the brunt of the crisis. This was presented by Prof. Amos Njuguna, Dean, School of Graduate, Research and Extension.

The university through the School of Graduate, Research and Extension plans to hold another webinar on April 29, in partnership with Kenya Association of Manufacturers and NIERA to discuss on Re- adjusting business operations to cope with COVID-19 crisis and on May 6, hold an open discussion on the same. To join the conversation, follow https// or get in touch with Ms. Virginia Thuku on or call +254723653698

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