Delivering Lectures

Lectures and presentations can be delivered either synchronously or asynchronously.

Synchronous Options:

Meet virtually to hold online real-time, interactive classes and office hours. This allows you to share your screen, poll students, live-chat, and discussions. These sessions can also be recorded for those that cannot attend a synchronous class through the use of video conferencing applications such as Zoom, or Bluejeans the campus-licensed web conferencing service.

Asynchronous Options:

Record a narrated presentation (narrated PowerPoint) and embed it in your course.

Video lectures can be recorded and streamed in Blackboard using a webcam and a microphone. Most laptops have integrated webcams and mics.


For lab sections, find virtual labs online or arrange for alternative activities in place of the lab.

Alternate ways to present content/lessons:

  • PowerPoint Presentations
  • Podcasts and downloadable audio files
  • Tutorials
  • Interactive Modules
  • Case Studies
  • Images
  • Charts & Graphs
  • Simulations