Did you know: Employee relations at USIU-Africa

By Prof. Paul Zeleza

Faculty Recruitment

As part of its faculty recruitment program to reduce the fulltime/ part-time faculty ratio, faculty-student ratio and the faculty workload ratio to enhance research, as well as cater for new academic programs, the University aimed to recruit 22 faculty for the 2018-2019 academic year.

The University was able to recruit 12 faculty members (11 reported in September 2019, and 1 will report in January 2020).

Recruitment of Administrators and Managers

The university sought to recruit a total of 9 senior administrators and managers, including 3 deans, 2 directors and 4 chief managers, respectively. The recruitment for all these positions started in the 2018-2019 academic year and is continuing. Additionally, the recruitment of 4 Chairs of Departments in the School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, following recommendations of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board, started. It is expected the successful candidates will report in January 2020.

Transfers/Promotions and Redeployment

USIU-Africa strives to increase the capacity of its employees by providing opportunities for growth and career advancement through implementation of the Schemes of Service. One employee was promoted in the month of August 2019 in the Procurement department following the retirement of a senior officer.

In January 2019, 30 employees were deployed from the departments of Finance, ICT, Admissions, Quality Assurance, Student Affairs, Placement and Career Services, Counseling, Alumni Relations, Housing, Library, the Schools of Humanities and Social Sciences, Business, Science and Technology, and the VC’s office.

Employee demographics

There were a total of 788 employees as at summer 2019, comprising 297 full time staff, 161 full time faculty, 260 adjunct faculty and 70 temporary staff.

Population of Full time Employees

The University has a diverse workforce with regards to age. In view of this, Management is keenly addressing various aspects of age distribution in consideration of succession plans for the various departments so as to avoid gaps in the future. The current full time employee population stands at 458 comprised of 35.15% females and 64.85% males.

Gender Distribution

I. Faculty: Male 98, Female 63. A total of 161.

II. Staff: Male 166, Female 131. A total of 297.

Employee Success and Support

Learning and Development


Management recognizes that knowledge and skills development is vital to the well-being of all employees and the University as a whole. We live in a rapidly changing occupational world today characterized by ICT, and USIU-Africa routinely carries out staff development programmes to ensure that all employees are able to effectively deliver results.

Employee Tuition Waiver

USIU-Africa is committed to providing financial support to its employees, their spouses and/or their dependants to attain a USIU-Africa degree in either its undergraduate or graduate degree programs. University employees, their spouses and their children may be admitted to the University if they meet regular admission requirements. This training benefit is offered to employees and their dependants where the beneficiaries enjoy 100% tuition waiver for both graduate and undergraduate programs. In 2018-2019 the total number of ETW beneficiaries was 97.

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