Placement and Career Services marks the annual career fair
Ms. Stela Atela (Human Resource Director- East & Central Africa- World Food Program) addresses participants on Thursday, July 25 at the auditorium during the annual Career Fair.PHOTO:Diana Meso
By Saada Mutasa and Diana Meso.
Over 15 local and international organizations took part in this year’s annual Career Fair organized by the Placement and Career Services offices from Monday July 22 to Thursday July 25 on campus. Themed “Anticipate, Create, Actualize career opportunities” the event provided a platform for participants to directly connect with their prospective employers and get insights on the work environment.
It further provided an opportunity for participants to align their skills, talents and experiences to the current job market requirements and get spot on chances to join represented organization.
The event featured an exhibition at the graduation square and seminars for all the schools; School of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Science and Technology, School of Communication Cinematic and Creative Arts, School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and Chandaria School of Business.
The event also included a talk by Ms. Stela Atela (Human Resource Director- East & Central Africa- World Food Program) on how to be marketable in the outside world by being efficient, creative and a team player.